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He was holding my hand firmly, walking to his room. Locking the door as we got in, he pulled me into his embrace, hiding my face in his neck.

I could not care less that he's all dirty and bloody. I just want him to hold me.

I felt him shake a little, so I hugged him tighter, but then I heard him sniffle. I looked up to see him crying. He was stroking my hair as his tears ran down his face, leaving lighter pink trails over the red blood on his cheeks.


'I can't ever explain to you just how sorry I am. I will never forgive myself for what I did to you. I shouldn't even be close to you. I don't deserve to hold you.' He cried, but he only held me tighter

'Look at me. Please.' I put my hand on his face, making him look down at me. I slowly wiped his tears, only smudging the blood on his face.
'I'm okay. I'm here. I'm alive. And I love you.' He only cried harder, losing the breath in his lungs as he sobbed.

'Why? Why do you love me? You should hate me. I almost killed you.' He cupped my face, desperately caressing it. 'I almost lost you, and I'd have no one to blame but myself.'

'But you didn't. I'm here. And I told you, no matter what you do, I'll always love you. I was more than ready to die. You were the last thing I saw before I closed my eyes. I would have died happy.' I held his hand with mine, feeling his fingers under mine.

'Stop saying that. I don't deserve any of your love. You shouldn't love me.' He keeps saying that, but he's only holding me closer. 'You should kill me instead.'

'Never.' I pulled him down, connecting my lips to his. I can taste the blood. I can taste the tears. I can taste the desperation his kiss holds as he's running his hand into my hair, making sure I can't pull away.

'I love you. I love you so much. I love you.' He kept repeating in a broken voice, cupping my face and looking into my eyes with his teary ones

'I love you, too. More than anything.' I smile. 'I'm all yours. If you'll have me. Please.'

'What is wrong with you?' He looked broken. His eyes were red from the tears, his voice cracking even though he was barely speaking. His hands were almost trembling against my face.
'I tried to kill you. I pushed you away. I hurt you more than anyone. And you are begging me to take you back?! I should be the one on my knees right now, pleading for forgiveness. Pleading you to spare my life. And instead, you are in my arms, telling me it's all okay.'

'There are a lot of things wrong with me, but I don't care about that. All I want is you. We are both broken. Maybe we can put each other back together. We can start over. No lies. No secrets. Just love me.'

He was just holding me, his tears streaming down his face like a river.

'I could never stop loving you no matter what happened. Lie to me every minute of every day. Hurt me. Break my heart.' He leaned his head on mine, holding my face firmly. 'Just don't ever leave me. I'm begging you. Don't leave me. I can't be without you.'

'I'm not going to leave you. Not ever. Not unless I'm dead and gone.'

'You're not allowed to die either. You're not allowed to get hurt at all.'

'I'll try.' I chuckle

'I'm sorry.' He hugged me close, pressing me to his chest. 'I'm sorry for everything. For getting angry. For not listening. For hurting you.' He sniffled. 'And I'm sorry about hugging you when I'm covered in blood and guts, smelling like a sewer.'

'Nothing to forgive you for.' I hug him tighter. 'Maybe the smell part.' I joke, and he finally snorted a bit in laughter

'We really should get cleaned up. Come on.' He took my hand, pulling me into the bathroom with him.

He was trying to take off his shirt, but it got stuck to him from all the blood. It's basically glued to him.

'Let me help you.'

He kind of gave up, defeated by his own clothing. He just let me do whatever I wanted. Not that there was much choice. This needs to come off.

I grabbed the bottom of his shirt, slowly unsticking it from his body and lifting it up. This is an actual task to do. He only lifted his arms to take it off once I managed to get it all the way up.
The blood had been on him for so long that it went through his shirt and stained his body. And there's a lot of it. Most of his tattoo is covered as well. I can barely see that snake.

'I'll help you.' He did the same for me, but my shirt had buttons. He undid them carefully, helping me pull my arms out.

He gulped pretty loudly, looking me up and down.

'It's alright. It will heal in no time.' I smile. 'I barely feel it.'

'Didn't we say a minute ago no more lies?' He was smiling, but it was such a sad smile that it only broke my heart.

'I am being honest. I think you forget that I'm not as fragile as you think.'

'Apparently so.' He mumbles

'I think you should start getting more naked and talk less.' I put my hands on the edge of his trousers, undoing the rope that ties them up, then undoing the button and the zipper, leaving them open.

'And you called me a perv.' He teases, letting me pull them down a little. There's blood even on the waist edge of his boxers. Instead of Calvin Klein, I only see 'vin Kl'.

'Don't bend down. Please.' He stopped me from pulling them lower, taking them off himself. 'May I?' He asks, grabbing the edge of my bottoms

'As if you even need to ask.' I giggle

He just stood there, looking at me for a few moments, his eyes darting from one wound to another. I need him to stop killing himself over it.

'Come on. Water has been on for a while now.' I smile, giving him a light push to get in the shower. The bathroom was steamed up by now because we took too long.

As soon as he stepped under the water, the white surface of the shower underneath our feet turned red. He kept running his hands through his hair, but it seemed like no matter how much he did it, that red colour wouldn't come out.

It kept running from his hair to his face, then down his body. Never imagined him to use sponges and such, but I'm happy I was wrong. He'll need to be scrubbed down.

'Never had someone wash me before.' He smiled a little as I ran the sponge over his shoulder

'Never did this either, but it has to be done. And I'll never complain about touching you.' I giggle

'This hardly seems fair.' He took the sponge from my hand, soaking it in clear water, then gently wiping my neck.

'You still need to wash the blood out of your hair.' I smile, looking at the hair that is almost back to its colour

'Is it still red?' He sighs. 'Downsides of using knives.' He jokes

'I don't know. I still think knives are cooler than guns.' I giggle, hugging him around the neck, pulling myself closer to him.

He wrapped his arms around my back, then leaned in, puzzling his lips over mine very slowly. I felt how gentle he's trying to be. He doesn't want to hurt even in the slightest.

I laced my fingers into his hair a little, trying to deepen the kiss, but he pulled away, speaking in a soft tone.

'We can't. You are way too injured for that. I'm not gonna touch you until you heal.'

'I know you are worried, but I'm honestly okay. I'm not in pain at all.' I mean, my cuts sting, especially my ribs. It almost burns. But it will pass. It doesn't hurt more than being stabbed.

'I want you, trust me. I want you more than I could put into words, but I'm not risking hurting you. I've done more than enough of that. Never again. Not to you. Please.' He kissed me gently as the water dripped off his lips. 'Please.'

'Can we- can we sleep together tonight?' I'm not gonna force him to do anything, but I want to be with him in any way I can

'I wasn't gonna let go of you, baby. You're not allowed to stay away from me ever again. You're staying with me.' He kissed me again, slowly parting his lips over mine. 'Please, stay with me.'

'There's nowhere else I'd rather be.'

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