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I sat with the guys in the living room, watching the live feed from the room above. Mabuchi, or Youchuro, was on needles since the moment he saw her enter.

We listened to everything she was saying, and every single one of us felt sick to a degree. Even Jungkook who usually seems all grinny was looking about ready to barf everywhere.

It's not just her words. It's the way she is saying them. She almost looks like she's having fun explaining it. She is all calm and collected, even smiling and giggling through the words that should make you uneasy, but not her.
Every word out of her mouth sounded like she knew exactly what she was talking about.

Much like us, Youchuro couldn't listen either, and he vommited at her exlpanations.

'She is so fucking disturbing. I am so creeped out.' Hoseok was hugging himself, shuddering a bit and grimacing

'You know, everything she said is true. This is exactly what hydrochloric acid does.' Taehyung confirms

'This is the woman I fell in love with?' I ask, still watching the feed, wondering how many things I forgot about her.
I'm not sure what's more disturbing; the things she can do and say or the fact that I don't find them disturbing at all. I actually find it weirdly attractive that she is so dangerous. Maybe not the part whetre she can melt me if I ever piss her off, but other than that...

'The very same one.' Jin confirms

'What in the fuck is making you smile about that ?!' Jungkook basically screamed at me, pointing at the screen. I didn't really notice that I was smling, but now that he mentioned it, everyone looked at me

'I mean, she is kind of badass.'

'She is creepy as fuck is what she is.' Yoongi grimaces

'You wanna say that again?' I glare at him

'I just meant that is terrifying. She made a man throw up, telling him how she'll melt his kids.' He argues, still pulling some kind of disgusted face. I guess I see his point, I just don't agree with it.

'She'll take it as a compliment anyway.' Taehyung chuckled, throwing in a joke to calm down the situation, and he's most likely right.

'Falling in love with her again, are you?' Jin giggles, teasing me

'Yes.' I admit. Nothing to think about. I'm grasping onto my feelings pretty quickly, and they are getting clearer by the minute

'That was fast.' Namjoon commented, but he wasn't teasing. His smile was understanding. All of them were actually

'I don't think I ever stopped. I just needed to be reminded.'

'This is a crazy story, though.' Yoongi cuts in. 'Imagine failing in love, then losing your memory, then falling in love with that same person all over again. Loving someone so much that even wiping your memory doesn't erase them... That's crazy.'

'Do you regret it? About losing your memory?' Jin asks, more on a serious note

'If that's what's saved her, then not for a moment. I would rather have her safe. Obviously, I would much rather want to have it all back, but even if not, I still have her. I'll just learn to love her again. She sure makes it easy for me to do so.'

'What do you mean learn to?' Hoseok asks. 'You do realize that you love her already, right?' He's looking at me like I'm an idiot, which I feel like most of the time lately, so it might be true

'Stop confusing him even more.' Taehyung smacked him over the head. 'He'll figure it out no his own. Don't put words in his mouth.'

'It's alright. He's probably right anyway.' I stop their bickering. 'I'm just getting there a bit slower than the rest of you. But I'll get there.'

We were pulled away by the light footsteps from the stairs, turning to see her lightly skipping the steps going down to us.

'Hello, boys.' She greeted us like she just came down from waking up, not threatening a man and his entire family in the most disturbing way.
'What? Not enough?' She asks, looking at all of us who were just staring blankly at her

'Too much, more like. I had fucking goosebumps.' Namjoon half scolded her, but he also sounded almost proud

'Bunch of wussies.' She teases, making her way to me, sitting down next to me, turning herself into a little ball by hugging her knees

'That was a hell of a threat.' Taehyung says to her

'That was no threat.' She smiles. 'That was a promise.'

Okay. She is a bit creepy.

'You... you actually meant it? You didn't just wanna scare him?' Jungkook kept grimacing

'You don't threaten someone without intent behind your words. Rats can smell lies. You have to mean what you say, or you don't say it at all. And I meant it.' She confirms in some time that I can only describe as chilling. 'He found the wrong person to fuck with.'

'You're not really gonna... melt... his kids?' Yoongi asks her, fully in shock

'I will melt them from the inside out and enjoy it.' She was not wavering for a millisecond. 'I do not care what they feel. They are not my issue. He's either fixing Jimin, or he's watching his kids die. It's as simple as that.'

'Still think she's not creepy?' Yoongi speaks to me

'Maybe a bit.' I smile, looking at her

'Thanks.' She smiled back at me

'Well, he seems scared enough.' Namjoon points to the screen.

Youchuro was sitting in his chair, wiping himself from the sweat, then rambling to himself in Japanese as he started frantically going through his papers, searching for something.

'Sounds like a him problem.' She just shrugged, truly not caring about his fear. 'As long as he does what he's asked to do. That's all that matters.'

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