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'Ow! That stings, man.'

'No one told you to get shot, moron.'

'Yes, cause that was my plan.'

I kept hearing bickering through the muddy voices in my ears.

'I think she's awake.' Another voice... Namjoon?

'Rain, can you hear us?'

'Mmmm..' I nodded with a slight grumble. Trying to open my eyes and move, I felt the stinging sensation in my leg, reminding me of what happened.

I got shot. Jimin. Oh, no!

'Jimin!' I shot up, wincing in pain, looking around like a crazy person

'Rain, calm down.' Namjoon put his hand in my shoulder, trying to stop me from jumping up

'Where is he? Where is Jimin?' The fear grew as the reality set in. I know where he is. I know he's gone. I just need to hear that it's not true. I want to hear that I just imagined all of it.

But nothing. No one said a word. All of them looked away, not even looking at me.

'We don't know.' Namjoon finally spoke up, speaking to me in a quiet tone

'We were all out. The last I saw was him getting shot. I was shot right after him and went out.' Jungkook spoke up as well. I looked over to see his arm being held up by a gauze wrapping around his neck. Another gauze pasted on his shoulder as the blood traces decorated the edges around it.

The rest of them didn't look so well either.

Taehyung, even though he was mending others, he had multiple cuts, one of them across his cheek. It didn't seem deep, but it didn't seem like nothing either.

Hoseok was beaten to shit. Both his eyes were barely open. A broken nose. His lip cut open. A  stab wound under his elbow.

Jin didn't seem as beaten, but he looked the most disoriented. He kept blinking slowly, taking a while to open his eyes every time he closed them. He must have been hit hard.

Yoongi looked the same as he did when he jumped into that bar. Covered in blood and dirt. The blood that was coming from under his hair already dried up.

And Namjoon himself seemed to have been missing an entire sleeve. His left arm was all cut up, like he was dragged over glass. The rest of his shirt had more holes than fabric on it.

Compared to them, I'm good. I only have this bullet wound. I looked down to see my thigh already wrapped up and cleaned.

'The bullet went straight through. It will heal just fine. Try not to walk much.' Taehyung added, noticing how I'm looking at my own leg.

'He went with Isui.' I mumble, feeling the tears ready to spill over my lashes. The contracting pain in my chest feels like my lungs are being squeezed. My heart feels like it's being squeezed. 'He's gone. He's gone.' I let the whimpering take over, feeling the oxygen leaving my lungs. I can't breathe

'Isui has him?' Namjoon asks me in a bit serious tone, making sure he heard right

'He- He went with him.' I stutter through my sobs. 'He gave himself in to save me.'

No one knew what to say as they listened to me cry.

'I killed him. I killed him....' Like a broken record, I've said the same thing over and over again, and none of them could say a thing because they knew it's true. Isui won't let him live.

'We can't know that, Rain. So pull yourself together. We will find him.' Jin's stern voice rang in my ears, giving me the tiniest bit of hope, even though I'm aware that there is little to no chance he will make it

'This is Isui we're talking about. He won't let him live. He will torture him.' I cry. 'He will be in so much pain, and it's all my fault.' I was almost choking on my tears, struggling to breathe. 'I shouldn't have gone in. He said he had a bad feeling. I never should have gone in....'

'It wouldn't make a difference. He had people everywhere. We all got jumped out there. Jungkook alone had to fight off 4 of them on that roof.' Namjoon explains

'I was this close to falling 7 floors down from that roof.' Jungkook sighs in relief

'Me and Hoseok got jumped by more than 10 of them. We didn't have a chance to stop them.' Namjoon continued

'Jimin and I didn't have it better. Jimin saved my life. He took down 7 of them all on his own before I even clocked in on the situation. But he ran after you, and I got hit with something and went out of it. That's the last thing I remember.' Jin explains

'I got jumped from all sides. I have no idea what was going on half the time.' Yoongi muttered almost to himself

'We knew it was a trap, and we risked it. We can't blame anyone but ourselves. And no matter if you went in or not, you would have been possibly killed out there.' Namjoon tells me

'I do find it weird that none of us are dead. They could have killed us all, but they let us live.' Taehyung brought up a point as he was clearing the little metal table in front of him, riding it off the bloody gauzes

'Then his plans are not over.' Jin answers to his point, nodding lightly

'For now, let's clean up. We need to pull ourselves back together. Not to get our hopes up, just assume the worst.' Namjoon was giving out an order, looking at me at the last bit.

I know I should assume the worst. I should assume he's gone, and he most likely is. If I get my hopes up, it'll just hurt that much more when they prove untrue.

'If nothing, there's one thing to celebrate.' Jungkook drew everyone's attention, then grinned at me. 'Welcome to the 'i got shot' club.'

I know he's just trying to make me feel better, but it's not working. At least not on me. It seems to be on the rest of them, though. They all chuckled a little, with Jin shaking his head in disbelief of the kid's stupidity.

'Right about now, I miss being stabbed.' I might as well not be an idiot and shit on the mood. We're down as it is

'Wanna swap?' Hoseok raises his arm at me, smiling a bit through his beaten up face

'How are you guys feeling anyway? Hurts?' I ask

'Eh, had worse.' Taehyung smiles, shrugging a little

'Let's all get cleaned up, and then we can discuss what we'll do further on. Take your time and come down when ready.'

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