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'I never lied to you. I love you.'

She is crying. Her tears won't stop. My hands reached to her cheeks, brushing the tears away, but I couldn't touch her. My hands go through her. Like I don't exist.

I looked down at my hands, and to me, they were normal, but I still couldn't touch her.

'What happened to you?'

Looking up, she's not crying anymore. She's almost smiling, but her face... she's is all beaten up.

Blood from her mouth, lips, nose, above her eye. There's a cut on her left cheek. Her hair is a mess.

'No, no, I'm sorry. I'm sorry!'

I frantically tried to wipe the blood away, but no matter what, I can't reach her

'It's okay. I love you no matter what.' She smiled at me as deep cuts formed on her wrists, and blood started pouring out


I screamed a silent scream, not able to form a voice. It's like my lips are sealed shut, and I'm choking on my words. My mouth feels like they've been stuffed with something, and it's strangling me. I can't breathe.

'It's okay. I love you. It's okay.'

She kept repeating as she slowly got pulled back to the distance. I ran after her, but no matter how far I run, I'm getting further away.

A blink of an eye, and she is back in that chair I've seen so many times. Same as always. Tied up and bloodied up. Lifeless. And that feeling of uncontrollable fear is taking over.

I finally reached her, and just as I finally got my hands on her, I was sitting on the ground, holding her body in my arms.

I can barely see her. It's like I'm crying.

'Please, baby, please wake up. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I love you. I love you.'

The pain is too much. My chest hurts. I can't breathe. I'm suffocating.


A man's voice is calling my name. I looked up to see 6 faces. Those guys. They are looking at me. They look scared.

I jolted up, wheezing, just like every damn night for a while now, covered in sweat. My head is buzzing away, but at least it's not that sharp pain.

Another dream. This one was a bit different. I never had this last part in my dreams. I kept telling her I loved her, and in my dream, I felt like I did. If that's how it feels to love someone.

And those guys, those mercenaries... I never saw them in my dreams. These can't be dreams. Not a chance. I know them. They know me. That's why they didn't attack me.

I need to see her.

I rushed out of my bed, even it being barely 4 in the morning. I need to go. I can't stay here.

The house was dead silent. Everyone is asleep. There's not a single soul awake besides me. But I just can't. Every time I close my eyes, I see things. And the more I see them, the more familiar they seem.

I watched the sun come out through the window of my car as I drove to Seoul. There was barely anyone at the road, so I drove a lot faster. It's almost 3 hours away, but it's gone so fast with everything going on in my mind.

And just like last time, I have no idea how I got the way, but I'm here. I'm not going to type in anything this time.

Will anyone even hear if I knock? It's early in the morning, too. They might be asleep. Fuck it. I'm here already.

It felt weird, but I still did it. Knocking repeatedly like a lunatic, hoping that someone opens. That she opens. I know she won't hurt me. She never did.

Like last time, the doors opened, but it wasn't her. It was that buff, black-haired guy who was with her in Daegu. I guess they don't get many visitors, as he held a gun in his hand.

'Jimin?' He called my name, putting the gun away right away

'Is- is she here?' Such vivid dreams make it seem like she's actually hurt. I need to know if she's safe and if I'm crazy

'Ye-yeah.' He muttered. 'She's-'

'Jimin?' She was staying a bit further back, looking at me in shock just like last time

Without thinking it through, I ran past the guy at the door, going straight towards her. She took a few steps towards me as well, meeting me halfway.

Remembering the dream and the cuts, I took both of her hands in mine, searching for any sign of a scar. And she had them. The same spot that they were in a dream, she had them. A scar on each of her wrists. Two vertical scars.

I let go of her hands, grabbing her face. I kept looking over where I saw those cuts. Nothing above her eye. Her nose isn't bleeding either. Her lips are not cut. I brushed my thumbs over both her cheeks, but that scar wasn't there.

'You're okay. You're okay.' A weird feeling of relief washed over me. Why was I so damn scared over a dream?!

'I'm okay. It's okay. It's okay. Breathe.' She is trying to calm me down again

'I did these, didn't I?' I ask, taking her wrists in my hands, brushing my thumbs over the little raised lines on her skin. Just barely lighter than her fair skin, but clearly visible. 'I did this.'


'Why?' I look up at her. I don't know why I would do that. I don't remember her doing anything to me

'Because I lied to you.' She murmured

'Lied? About what?' I asked, still holding her firmly

'About who I was. I could tell you all of it, if you want to hear it.' She looked up at me again, and just like last time, there's nothing but glimmering in her eyes. This woman loves me. I'm lost and confused, but I'm not stupid.

'I don't know what's real anymore. What is going on with me?' I shouldn't be this vulnerable, but I feel like with her, I can do so

'We can help you, Jimin. All of us.'

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