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I planned on heading over to do a round around Daegu, checking the area for any possible danger or threat, checking if that girl or any of the guys are still around, but I somehow ended up in front of a massive Villa.

Where the hell am I?

It's like I woke up from a dream. I have no idea how I got here. But the place seems familiar. At least it feels like it.

Not knowing why, I got out of the car and walked up the porch to the front door. There is a keypad.
I typed in some numbers without thinking. It's like my fingers did it on their own. A few times. And then the door flew open.

'You're- it's you.' I was looking at that woman. That girl that I keep dreaming about for days now. The very same one that I've been told to kill.

'Jimin?' She said my name, looking at me in equal shock

But she had a gun.

'NO! No! Sorry! We thought someone was breaking in. That's all.' She blurted the words out as she put her gun on some table inside, raising her hands to show me that she doesn't have a weapon

My hand was still on my knives, just in case. But that's not even my biggest issue right now.

'Where am I?'

'You- you don't know where you are?' She seemed even more surprised. But I don't even have a thing to say. I have no clue. I just stared at her like an idiot.

'You're in Seoul. But... How did you get here?'

'I... I..'

'Can you not remember that either?' Her voice sounds worried. The least I can do is answer with a nod.

'Are you alone?'

'Yes. Just me. I just got into a car earlier, wanting to go somewhere. I don't know how I ended up here. What is this place?'

'This is our home. Your... home. Do you want to come in?' She moved aside a little to show me to the entrance, but 6 armed guys seem to be on edge and ready to take me down.

'Put the guns down! He's lost and scared. Put those down.'
Just like the other night, she stepped in front of me, protecting me. Why the hell is the doing that???

'Jimin, man, do you know who we are?' One of the guys asked me, lowering his gun


'Well... he's not wrong.' Another one answered and all the weapons got moved away, but I will hold onto my knife just in case

'Is your head okay? Does it hurt?' Again. Worried. What it up with this woman?

I did shake my head to tell her I'm not in pain, but that's it.

'Do you wanna...?' She gestured at the house again, asking me to come in
'No one is going to hurt you. I promise. No fighting.'

'Let's... Let's pull back. Give him space.' I think that's the leader. Looks like it by how everyone stepped back at his command

'You're safe here. I promise.'

She might be a spy, or a mercenary, or whatever, but she sounded honest, so I took the chance and nodded, agreeing.

'You said this was my home?' I was a bit lost looking around. How can a place seem so familiar, yet so strange?

'Yes. Do you want to see your room?'

I have a room?

I took a few steps and headed for the stairs, taking a turn into a hallway that seemed promising.

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