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I couldn't wait to start practising on those knives again. It was way more fun than I thought it would be. Apart from the cuts in my fingers, I was weirdly happy.

'Good morning, sunshine.' Hoseok greeted me with a huge grin as I came downstairs, making me chuckle

'Morning, Hoseok. Morning, everyone.' I smiled and sat down next to Jimin

He stopped complaining to me at some point about sitting next to him. Possibly just gave up on it.

'What is that?' Namjoon points to my fingers, snickering a little

I did the best I could with wrapping them up myself, but my hands looked like kids put bandaids on them. Each finger besides the pinky on my left hand had something on.

'Cuts from yesterday.' I wiggle my hands, having them all chuckle a little, and Jimin shaking his head

'What now? My wrapping not good enough for you?' I click my tongue at him

'That is not wrapping. That is- what even is that?' He took my hand, spinning it around to inspect it. 'You- you have Spiderman on the bandaids.' He sounded so defeated and disappointed, and the rest of the guys started dying in laughter. He let go of my hand to rub his eyes

'Don't diss spiderman.'

'I can't even. Give me those.' He pulled my hands to him and started taking off all the bandaids, ripping them off with ease


'Stop squirming. You can't have them on. You can't throw anything like this. And the cuts are not close to being bad enough for all of this.'

'Drama queen.' I click my tongue at him, and he raises an eyebrow at me, looking ready to smack me

'Do you wanna switch to fighting today?' That sounded like a threat

'No, thanks. I'm good.' I gave in without a complaint. Hurts less getting cut

'Then stop being annoying and do as you're told.'

I rolled my eyes a little, but I guess he noticed, and he squeezed one of the cuts, making me wince.
'Ow. That was uncalled for.' I pout

Ignoring me completely, he pushed my hand back to me once that was done and went back to eating.

'Rain, having fun with your training, then?' Yoongi had some cocky smile on his face, but I didn't even wanna know

'I have nothing else to do, do I?' I chuckle. 'But yes. It's been fun.'

'Now that we've all gathered here, I have an announcement.' Namjoon says, getting everyone's attention

'2 weeks from now, the annual ball is being held at Rosun's palace. I just got the info last night.'

'Same as every year so far, you have to come. No excuses.' He pointed his finger at everyone, sounding as serious as possible

They must have noticed me being confused, so Namjoon spoke to me, explaining it quickly.

'Every year, all the cartels, gangs, and mercenaries have sort of a truce night. They created this entire ball as a way of ensuring we don't fuck with each other that one day of the year. And so far, it has been working for over a decade.'

'It's a ball, like a dance thing. Like in the movies.' Hoseok winks at me

'God, I hate that thing with passion.' Yoongi sighs, throwing back his head

'So, all of you have to like dress up and dance and stuff?' I tried so hard not to laugh. I can't imagine a single one of them dancing all fancy

'Unfortunately.' Jin doesn't seem happy either

'Make sure you record that. I wanna see it.' I joke

'No need for that. You are coming with.' Namjoon announces, and that smile quickly went away from my face

'Huh? What?'

'And you are taking her.' Namjoon points to Jimin, who then closed his eyes and took the deepest breath in the world to calm himself down

'I would love nothing more than to stay in and sleep. I am good.' I raise my hands like I'm defending myself. I do not want to go with hundreds of murderers into a room. 'I am gonna lock myself in and won't move. I promise.'

'You're going, and that's final.' He ordered me, then turned to Jimin. 'And you are taking her. Understood?'

'Namjoon, why do you hate me?' Jimin finally spoke, looking at him, having the rest of the guys snicker

'Come on, J. You don't even have to find your own date.' Hoseok giggles, being a sassy little shit

'I have a feeling my date won't live that long.' He flipped a knife in his hand, looking at me

'Don't look at me. I don't wanna do this either.' I really don't

'Now I'm annoyed. Let's train.' He got up and pulled me along. Shit. I'm gonna die.

'THANK YOU FOR THIS NAMJOON!' I screamed as he dragged me along, listening to the guys' hysterical laughters

'I just wanna remind you again. This wasn't my idea!'

I was watching him crack his neck, getting ready for a sparring match. We switched from knives after all.

'It just occurred to me.' He stopped and turned to me. 'You can't go if you have broken legs.'

'I am so not sure if you're joking right now or not. And I don't want to find out.' I back up into the ropes, watching him walk over

'Let's find out, shall we?'

He pulled me off the ropes, flinging me over him within a second, having me land on my back on the ring floor

'That hurt.' I groan in pain, trying to catch back the breath I lost as it got kicked out of my lungs

'It's about to get worse if you don't do something.'

He got on top of me, grabbing my throat, squeezing it just enough to make it hard to breathe, but not choking me. He kept my other arm trapped as well, so I couldn't do much with my hands.

'Ji-min- I can't- breathe-' I squirmed

'I can only squeeze harder. Fight back.' He commands

Shit. Shit. Shit. Fine.

I kind of moved my entire body as much as I could, getting one of my legs free. I kicked him in the thigh, almost right at the crotch, and his hold on my throat got easier. And then I bit his hand and kicked him off.

'Finally.' He sighed what sounded like relief. 'You may not die so easily after all.'

'You might, though.'

He was still sitting on the ground opposite me when I kind of launched myself at him. It definitely took him by surprise. He didn't see that coming.

I got on top of him, punching him where I could. He pissed me off.

'You. Are. Such. A. Dickhead!' I kept telling him between each punch, but it didn't last long

I was back down on my back with him on top of me, but this time, he was laughing. I never heard that before.

He was holding me down firmly, hanging his head low. That laugh... it sounds... I don't know if it's because I never heard him laugh before, but it's kind of a melodic sound. One of those that makes you smile.

'You got me by surprise, I'll give you that.' He calmed down a little. 'But what in the fuck was that?'

'You pissed me off.' I scowl

'If only you knew how to use that rage all the time, not only in moments like these. You are not that weak, you know. Those were good hits.' He was just smiling a little. Not laughing, not teasing. Honestly smiling.

'Sorry.' Now I kind of feel bad for hitting him

'Don't be. This is the whole point of training. Use everything you can to your advantage. This will never be a fair fight.'

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