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Namjoon called another meeting today, and this was my first official one. It feels a bit strange to be here, working with them, but I'm also happy. Jimin hasn't commented on anything either. I know he hates that I'm in this now, but he chose not to argue over it.

He passed everyone a stack of papers each.

'This is what we've got so far. Read through, see what you can find. There are also blueprints and street plans. Yoongi collected these on his scouting last night. Jin and Jungkook, the two of you need to get on that surveillance tonight.'

'Got it.' Jin nods

'I scoped out the facility as much as I could. They have key cards to get in and out.' Yoongi explains. 'If we can get a hand on one of those, we'll be able to get in without an issue. The windows are bulletproof, so we can't break in.'

'I also got into their system. It's a good system, great protection. The slightest sign of trouble and the police is on the way.' Namjoon adds

'Leave the key card to me. I'll get us in.' I tell them. They just nodded, agreeing to it

'That's settled then. You're free.' Namjoon dismissed us

I was still going through the paperwork as most of them left. Only Jimin and Hoseok were still there, doing the same thing.

'What's going on in there?' Jimin asks, noticing me deep into the papers

'This name.' I point to the name Mabuchi Rio. It says on the paper that he's the head of the company. 'I recognise the name from somewhere. I know I've heard it before.'

'I'll see what I can dig out on him. Hopefully that helps.' Hoseok offers

'Thank you. I'll be in the library.' I got up and walked off, still reading through them. I need to figure out everyone who works in there.

I have no idea how long I've been in here, sitting behind this PC and digging through, but I'm covered in papers and information. It's not my first time doing research, and I like being thorough.

'You're still here.' Jimin's voice pulled me away from the screen as he walked over to me

'Hey.' I smile

'Hey.' He smiles back a bit. 'You know, it's almost 3 in the morning. You should get some sleep.'

'Oh, I didn't even realise what time it is.' I lean back in my chair, looking at him. 'Why are you awake?'

'I was waiting for you.' He leaned on the edge of the desk, letting his hands rest on the wooden edge

'Sorry, I got lost in this. I've been digging through the company and the people working there.'

'And? Anything?' He asks, looking around the desk that was covered

'Too much. It's like they're purposely throwing all of this in. They've been open for 7 years, and they changed 300 employees in the last 6 months alone. No one worked there longer than 3 months.' I explain, passing him a stack of employees that was about as thick as a bible

'They are hiding something.' He mumbled to himself, scanning through the names

'Something big. No other reason to go through so many people. I was about to go through all of them and see if they're alive or not. If they work anywhere else. All that.'

'This is gonna take you days.' He put the stack down. 'You need to rest a little. You've been at this for hours.'

'I guess you're right.' I chuckle. 'I wouldn't mind getting some sleep. My brain is not functioning.'

'Let's go to bed.' He offers his hand. 'You can continue tomorrow.'

It was dead silent in the house. Looks like we're the only ones awake. He held my hand tightly as we walked through the empty, weakly lit hallway to his bedroom.

'One second, I need to turn the lights on.' He mumbled before he went for the switch

'It's okay.' I squeeze his hand a bit. 'I'm alright. I'm not afraid of the dark when I'm with you.'

For a while now, he's been helping me get over it. We would be in the dark and he would hold me the entire time until I'd fall asleep. First week or so, I had a tough time relaxing, but after that it became easier. I'm pretty much okay being in the dark, as long as he's with me.

'Maybe you should be.' He pinned me slowly against the wall next to the door, pressing his body against mine. 'I can do whatever I want in the dark.'

I may not be able to see him that well, but I can feel him. His hands on me. His breath on my lips. His scent all around me.

'You can do whatever you want even without the dark.' I slid my hand over his chest, resting if on his heart. 'Your heart is racing.' I felt a smile on my face

'I have you all to myself. My mind and my heart are both racing. You have no idea about all the things I want to do to you.' His seductive voice echoed in my mind as his soft lips made their way over the side of my neck, leaving sensual kisses

'Then show me.'

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