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He ran into the place earlier, coming straight to me. As shocked as I was, I felt like crying the moment he touched me.

He was in panic, checking me over. And he was so petrified being in that torture room downstairs, too. It's what he was most afraid of. Losing me. Maybe dreaming about it and being in that room took a toll on him.

But he is here. That's all that matters. And he wants to know.

'Okay. I'll start slowly. Stop me anytime.' I take a deep breath. 'First of all, your name is not Jimin Amonis. It's Jimin Park.'

He squinted a bit but didn't ask anything yet.

'Isui is not your father, either. He is mine.'

His eyes opened wide, not knowing how to react.


'I know. It is all so confusing.' I calm him a bit. 'But I will explain it all little by little. I told you it's a long story.'

He swallowed hard, taking a deep breath, then giving me a sing to continue by nodding lightly.

'You are not a son of a cartel leader. You don't have parents. They both died when you were 12. You killed them.'

'That scar on your stomach, your father did that to you. He was trying to join Isui's cartel, and he was told to kill his family to do so. But he failed. You ended your mother's life to save her from suffering after you saved yourself by killing your father. That was your first kill.'

He instinctively touched his scar at the mention of it, trying not to react crazily.

'Isui took you in pretending to be a family friend, and you were in his cartel until you were 16 or 17. And then you left when you found out he was the one responsible for your parent's death, and you tried to kill him. That scar on his face, you did that to him.'

'I was in the cartel until recently. I was a spy. That part is true. I was trained by the cartel. So were you before you left. But my job was to infiltrate circles and tear them apart from the inside.'

'That's... that's what I do.' He spoke up

'No. You are a mercenary. You don't work for a cartel. You take them down. You've been one for 5 years. Those guys downstairs, they are your family.'

'I am a mercenary...' he repeated to himself, swallowing

'A very skilled one. Not a person exists who's not afraid of you.' I smile

'How... how do I know you?' He asks

'I inflitrated this house. You actually brought me here because you were suspicious of me, but with time, we fell in love, and I decided to take down Isui instead of you guys. But the problem is, I never told you about who my father was or who I was. That's why you tortured me. You found out I betrayed you, and you were hurt.'

'I'm Jimin Park. A mercenary. Isui is not my father, but yours. You were a spy. We fell in love. You wanted to take him down. I found out about your lies and almost killed you.' He was looking at his own hands, summarising everything for himself, almost like he's counting points on his fingers


'I tortured you, and you... you still love me?' He asks with even more disbelief

'I love you more than you could possibly imagine, Jimin. I know it all seems so strange and unreal at the moment, and it probably all seems like a crazy story, but you love me, too. At least the old you does.'

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