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By the time I woke up, he was not in the room anymore. I guess he is either working or he's somewhere around the house. Wherever he is... he is mine.

I felt like running around, screaming with happiness.

'Goooood morning, fellas.' I greeted those who were in the dining room. Jimin and Taehyung seem to be missing.

'Someone's in a good mood.' Jungkook grins at me

'Mhm, mhm. How is everyone this morning?' I ask, pouring myself a glass of juice

'I'm more interested in this.' Jin gestures at me, waving his hand in a circle. 'What got into you?'


Even though I knew it was Jimin scaring the shit out of me by sneaking behind me and yelling into my ear, my first reflex was to grab a knife that sat in front of me and go for his throat.
He snickered as he blocked my hand, taking the knife from me.

'What the hell is wrong with you?!' I scold him. 'Do you want to get stabbed?'

'Nice reaction.' He smiles, and does what I never imagined he would. He leaned in, pecking me lightly on the lips before sitting down next to me.

Everyone looked at Hoseok who started violently coughing, almost choking on his coffee that seemingly came out through his nose and is dripping down his chin.

'That's just nasty.' Jin was appaled, throwing a cloth into Hoseok's face

'At least we know what' *fake cough* 'who got into her.' Jungkook snickered, and it didn't take long for Hoseok to start coughing all over again

'Sorry, didn't catch that.' Jimin says to him, flipping the knife he took from me over his fingers

'Thank fuck.' Yoongi sighs in relief

'I assume this means you're staying.' Namjoon smiles at me

'I am. Even if I leave here, I'm staying in Seoul.' I smile, looking at Jimin

'Yeah, you're not moving your ass from here.' Jimin says in that stern tone. 'I'm not gonna run around Seoul saving you if someone kidnaps you.'

'I'll just annoy them into letting me go.' I joke

'That... could actually work.' He agrees, then starts giggling at his own joke, earning a punch in the ribs

'I'm- this is too much.' Jin shakes his head

'Sorry about the blackout last night. We forget about it as it tends to happen every few months.' Namjoon says to me, completely ignoring the rest of the situation

'Yeah, Jimin explained to me what was going on. I thought someone broke in or something.'

'I bet he explained.' Yoongi and Jungkook snicker. They are 5 years old

'I'll give a billion won to whoever can break in here.' Namjoon chuckles, somewhat darkly

'Well, one person did it. Ain't that right?' Hoseok smirks, looking at Jimin

'Can I eat in peace?' He complains

'You broke in here?' I ask him, laughing a bit

'Not really. They left a window open. It was a free entrance.' He shrugs

'The window was on the 3rd floor. 30 feet up. You fucking psycho.' Yoongi laughs

'A window is a window. What does it matter where it is?' Jimin argues

'Why did you even break in, though? Don't you live here?' I chuckle

'That's how they found out about me. You could say I fucked up and got into the wrong place.' He laughs at himself

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