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It didn't take long for someone to come down, and I kind of hoped it would be Jimin, but it was Yoongi.

He took me to the room full of guns, telling me to take a pick.

It was insane. Everything was polished and organized. Like a gun shop from a game.

'Have you ever held a gun before?'

'Does a water gun count?' I ask making him chuckle and shake his head

'Figured.' He sighed then observed for a moment before picking up a gun that seemed simple and small. 'Go with this one. Little to no recoil. Long range.'

'Recoil is the thing where it pulls you back, right?' I ask

'Indeed it is. But I'll show you how to properly hold a gun without that happening.'

And he did.

He showed me first how to pull it apart and put it back together. Then he showed me how to reload it and which bullets go in the gun.

'And now, this hand here.' He placed my other hand under the handle to hold the other hand in place

'Close your dominant eye, and level the little bump just under where you wanna shoot.' He pointed to the little metal hump on top of the gun

'And when you aim, take a breath, then exhale slowly and pull the trigger.'

I was scared out of my mind. As small as the gun is, it is quite heavy. It was also really strange holding it. I never imagined I'd be doing this. I could feel my heart banging in my chest.

I exhaled and pulled the trigger. The force of the bullet... you can most definitely feel it in your shoulders. Almost as if someone yanks you backwards. And the sound is so loud when it's right in front of you. The entire room echoed for a few seconds. But the most distinct thing for me was the smell. The gunpowder. The little smoke that comes out of the barrel emits it quite far.

'Okay. That... was actually pretty good. You got the target straight in the chest.' He chuckled in disbelief. 'Were you aiming for that?'

'I was aiming for the heart. So I guess so. But my shoulder hurts.' I complain, shaking my arm

'You'll get used to it. Let's go again.'

We were down there for 2 hours. By the time we got out, I was half deaf. I couldn't smell anything but gunpowder, and my shoulder felt like I carried a heavy bag on it the entire day.

'How did it go?' Taehyung smiled at us, watching us come back up

'If I didn't know her and had to explain everything to her, I would be convinced she did it before. First shot straight to the heart.' Yoongi laughs

'Damn, Rain. Nice.' He smiles

'Thanks, I guess. I guess I found my hidden talent.' I joke

With all the training and such, I managed to relax around them since Jimin told me everything. They're nothing but friendly, and they are going out of their way to help me, and they don't even know me. If they wanted me dead, I'd be dead long ago.

'Fighting or shooting? Which is more fun?' Jungkook came back from wherever he was and was grinning at me from the sofa

'Shooting hurts less.'

They all started laughing.

'Not if you get shot.' Jungkook keeps laughing

'I'll try not to find out.' I chuckle along

'I'll come with tomorrow. I wanna see your sniper aim.' He grins

'I'm gonna be a full-on assasin if you keep training me like this. I can become a mercenary.' I joke

'Well, I mean... That is what we are.' Taehyung chuckles

'Huh? What?' I thought they were like a mafia or something

'Let me guess. You thought we were a cartel?' Yoongi laughs at me

'Kind of, yes.' No point lying

'Maybe we should have explained it a bit better.' Taehyung chuckles. 'We are basically against them. We tend to fuck their plans up most of the time. But the main thing is just cleaning up messes. We are hired by people to clean up for them.'

'Ooooooh. Mercenary. That actually doesn't sound bad at all.' I nod to myself. 'Is that what you and Jimin were doing when that guy took me as a hostage?' I ask Jungkook

'Precicely that. He was supposed to be working for us. Intel from the enemy cartel, as we already told you. Problem is, he was a shit spy. He thought he'd be better off with them, so he spilled the beans and cost us a job. And then you came along. And now we are a big happy family.' He grins

'I thought you get spoiled when you get adopted. I'm just getting beaten up and threatened.' I joke, and they all laugh at me

'I'll let you beat me up some. You need to learn some self-defense.' Jungkook smiles

'I do have a specific thing I wanna learn.' I say


'What the fuck do I do when someone pulls my hair? I hate it from the depth of my soul.' I am pissed off just thinking about it

'Oooooh! I remember you screaming at Nick for doing that.' Jungkook started laughing. 'Gotcha. I'll show you tomorrow.' 

'Finally looking forward to a fight.' I smile

We were just laughing about it when Jimin walked in with his hair covered in blood. But he didn't seem fazed. 'What's with the welcome comitee?' 

'What was it this time?' Yoongi asks him

'I rolled through a puddle of blood. Nothing new.' He said it as if it's the most normal thing

'Did you take care of it?' Taehyung asks, obviously knowing exactly what the job was

'No. I just said hi and left.' Jimin says in sarcastic tone. 'And before you ask, no. Still nothing.' 

'Damn it. I didn't get any either.' Jungkook mumbles

'I have another lead so I'll follow up on that.' He said and walked past everyone, going for his room. He didn't even look at me. It was like I wasn't there. A bit of a shit feeling, to be honest.

'I think I'll go in for the night as well. I'm beat. Literally.' I chuckle

'See you in the morning. Bye, bye.' Jungkook smiled and waved. I walked up the stairs, but I could still hear them clearly talking downstairs. 

'We've been on this for 2 months. How come everytime we get close it falls through?' 

'I had 3 leads, and they all mysteriously died within a day of me finding them.'

'Another mole?'

'Possibly. Isui has them everywhere. Maybe he's got another Nick, just smarter.' 

'Why don't we just get rid of them all and get new ones? I am tired of chasing bodies, and we need to take care of this.'

'This is certainly a way to get yourself killed.' Jin was leaning on a wall behind me, watching me listen in to the guys. The way he said it and the way he was looking at me... He wasn't kidding.

'Sorry! Sorry! I was just- I'm-'

'I hope this is one and only time I caught you doing this. Next time will be your last time.' He leans his head a bit to the side. 'Is that clear?'

'Yes! Yes! Perfectly!' I stood straight, swallowing the ball in my throat

'Good. You're free.' 

I ran to my room like I'm running for my life, because I kind of am. I am an idiot. I can't do this shit.

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