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'Don't leave a thing behind!'

I almost ran without my shoes, leaving everything behind, but at his words, I picked everything up straight away.

'Now run and don't stop.'

He pulled me along by my forearm, not letting go for even a moment until we reached the car.

'Duck down and don't look up until I tell you to.'

I did as he said and turned myself into a ball as he drove off the parking, stepping on that pedal.

I felt like hours passed as I hid my head between my legs, still trying to grasp what just happened. I could see the blood on my hands, and it only made me shake even more.

'We're good. Sit up.' He announces, sounding completely fine. Almost as if nothing happened just now.


I kept nodding at his words, unable to look away from the now dried up blood on my fingers and palm of my right hand.

We were back at the mansion without me even looking up. I wouldn't have noticed we were there if he didn't literally pull me out of the car.

I was walking in a hurry, almost running. I just needed to wash off the blood.

'Welcome back. Did you- shit! What happened?!' Jin cut himself off mid question, looking both of us up and down

'Not now.' Jimin told him. 'Go on. Keep moving.' He gave me a push, which helped me, because I did not want to talk right now

I ran straight for the bathroom, running my hands under the water. Frantically rubbing that blood off, all I could think about was how I just ended someone's life. I'm a murderer.

Tears came to my eyes, and I kept crying until I almost made my own hands bleed with all the scrubbing.

This is not enough.

I soaked under the hot water, trying to wash the day away from my mind. And then I curled up on bed, shaking from head to toe.

*knock knock*
'It's me. I'm coming in.*

Jimin walked into the room and closed the door behind, walking over to the bed.
He was just standing there silently before he pulled a chair from the side and sat on it. He cleaned himself up a well. Not even a scratch on him.

'Thank you.'

I did not see that coming. Hearing that was a shock enough to stop being afraid of anything.

'Don't thank me. I killed someone.' I mumble

'It was him or us. You made a decision to live. If you didn't kill him, we both might have been dead.'

I know he's right, but it doesn't make it any better.

'Is it always such an awful feeling?' I ask

He seemed to think about it for a minute before he answered. 'Yes. No. I don't know.' He shrugs. 'I don't think about it, to be honest.'

'Have you... killed... many people?' I was all curled up, laying on my side, looking at him

'How many is many?' His expression never changes. He is so unfazed.

'I don't know. 5?' I toss out a random number

'I had 5 under my belt before I turned 15.'

I sat up in shock, feeling my heart beating out of my chest. '15?' I almost shouted

'I was 12 when I had that first blood on my hands.' He says calmly

'Oh my God. You were just a kid.' I covered my mouth, feeling like I'm gonna cry. I can't even imagine how scary that was.

'Much like you today, it was him or me. I chose to live.' 

'Someone tried to kill you?' He just keeps shocking me. 'But... you were 12.'

'That someone was my father. Or was supposed to be.' He shrugs nonchallantly. 'Not that I care anymore.'

In an instant I forgot about anything that happened earlier. No wonder this man is so cold and soulless. The things he's been through...

'Don't give me that wounded animal look.' He says, cutting into my train of thoughts. 'I'm the furthest thing from a saint. You asked how may people I killed?' He leans forward. 'As of today, I'm at the lucky number of 87.'

He... he killed 87 people... The fear, the dread, the confusion... What.. the... fuck..

'That's what I thought.' He scoffs, leaning back in his chair. 'And I'm not even the worst one out of us.' That creepy smirk on his face is sending the chills down my spine. 'That bubbly, smiley guy you laugh with, Taehyung. He might seem cheery, but he is as dead inside as you can get. A void. He has multiple mass murders under him. He is well up in his 100s. He loves his poison.' He chuckles, then continues

'Jungkook is... no one really knows if he is mentally there or not. But he could walk down the street and just shoot 10 kids, laughing about it, as easily as it is to breathe.'

'Hoseok might have that funny laugh, but he is kind of like the Joker. Insane through and through. He tends to have his fun with his victims. He has an entire torture chamber. I used it a few times. Nicely decorated.' He nodded to himself as if he was satisfied with the room decorations

'Jin may not have killed that many, but he was stuck in a human trafficking ring and barely got out. He is scarred as anyone.'

Human... trafficking...

'Yoongi... he might have built more bombs than the Iraq army. He can build 'em in his sleep. And I've seen what they can do.' He blinked a few times almost as if shaking the thoughts away

'And Namjoon... there is a reason everyone fears him and respects him. He is more reasonable than anyone, but one wrong look, and you lost your entire life.'

I should run. Jump out the damn window. I should go anywhere but stay here.

'I doubt you can jump from this window.' He comments, staring right at me.
'I can literally see every thought you have on your face. You're scared, as you should be.'

'Why did you bring me here?! I already said a million times that I don't know anything.' I was so close to crying

'I looked into you, and I know everything there is to know about you. From the groceries you like to the medicine u took when you were a kid.'

'Then why are you keeping me here?' I ask again

'It was too easy. One click, and your entire life was before my eyes. Black on white. All of it. Such an ordinary life.'

'Thank you for that. I am fully aware that my life couldn't be more boring. Well, it was until recently.'

'No one has a life that ordinary. It's almost too normal. Nothing unusual. And that's something I don't trust.' He leans forward, leaving onto his knees

'I literally killed someone today to help you, and you still don't trust me.' I can't believe this guy

'I've done a lot more for a lot less. I saved your ass more than once, didn't I? Does that mean you trust me?' Again those cold eyes

'Weirdly enough, I do. Although you terrify me to the bone, I am somehow less afraid when I'm with you.' I admit, knowing that I'm talking absolute nonsense

He seemed surprised by my words, opening his eyes a bit wider. 'And I thought I had issues.' He sighs

'I thought you came here to thank me.'

He scoffed a little, 'Don't get me wrong. I'm not the least bit afraid of dying. Every day could be my last in this line of work, but I'm more than okay with it. That doesn't bother me. But I am grateful purely because I didn't die before I fulfilled what I needed. That is all. Once that's done, I will gladly off myself.'

'You are really okay with dying?'

'Not any different than going to sleep. Just for longer. Maybe more painful. But that's it.' He got up from the chair and walked to the door, pausing before going out. 'I'm kind of looking forward to death.'

And with that, he left my room, sending shivers down my spine. He truly is dead inside. Not a spec of life within him. I feel sorry for him.

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