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After I came back to this place that I'm supposed to call home yesterday, Isui was waiting for me. He requested a full report, wanting to know every little detail of where I've been and what I've done.

Based on his reactions and such, I think he believed me.

I told him there have been sightings in Icheon of a blonde girl with a group of guys, but that there were only 3 of them. And that she comes back to a restaurant there every 2 days or so, so I'm going tomorrow again in hopes of catching her.

He asked me to bring him her head if I could, or just her body. But to kill her, nonetheless. Of course, I agreed.

But since yesterday, I've been paying more attention to him. She told me he is her father, and the more I look, the more I see it. There are very, very slight resemblances.
The way they furrow their eyebrows when they're confused. Also, their will to live seems to be the same. I tortured both of them and tried to kill them, and they're both alive. Or I'm just awful at it.

But paying more attention got me to notice that he is paying attention to me as well. I can almost feel his intense stare. He watched me train today again. He does that almost every day.

'Son, can you come in for a moment, please?'

I was walking past his office room when he saw me and called me inside.

'Evening, father. What can I do for you?' I am just gonna play it normal. Deadpan face. No emotion. That is sort of my default anyway.

'I have a favour to ask. Would you be able to keep an eye out on Doctor Mabuchi tomorrow while I'm gone?'

'Of course.' This is perfect. Even easier.

'I won't be long. I will be back by the afternoon, so make sure this crazy one doesn't run away.' That almost sinister laugh...

'He can try, but I don't think he will get far with two broken legs.'

'Mister Amonis, you called for me?' Mabuchi came to the door in the middle of our conversation, breaking it up. Luck is on my side for a change.

'Ah, yes, doctor. Please do come in.' He smiles at Mabuchi, gesturing at the chair for him to sit on.
'We are done. You are free, son.'

'Thank you, father.' I bow. 'Doctor.' I bow to him and leave

They were weirdly silent, not uttering a word until I walked away. I walked far, then came back quietly to listen in.

'Are you absolutely positive?' That's Isui's voice

'Yes. Nothing to worry about.'

'He seems... too obedient.'

'You asked me to make him like that.'

'I suppose so.' He sighs. 'As long as he doesn't regain it back.' That was a pure threat

'He won't. I have already checked it. Nothing concerning.'

'I hope I don't have to put up with him long. I need him to get rid of that betraying brat for me, and then I'm getting rid of him.'

Even though I knew that what Rain told me was true, hearing this just made a huge stone fall off my heart.
I'm not crazy.

I better go back to my room before they notice me.


I haven't slept. I was up all night, waiting for the first rays of sun to breach through my curtains, and with them, to see Isui off.

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