fuck you pt. 1

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Me and Bill used to be best friends. We were best friends for over 10 years. I say we were because he left me for some girl. Her name was Hannah and she was really pretty. But, she was a bitch. She was always mean to me and Bill literally defended me. Soon enough, Bill catches feelings for Hannah and they start dating.

"Why do you even like her? She literally pushes me in the halls!" Y/N yells over the phone.

"She's pretty and she's nice to ME." He emphasized the word like I was like three years old.

"Yeah, but not to ME." My voice raises after each word.

"I don't care. I'm hanging out with her in a few minutes anyways." I could practically hear his eye roll.

"But, we were going to watch the new Spider-Man movie tonight!" I almost drop my phone.

"Sorry." He says without guilt.

"So, you would choose that girl over your own best friend for almost ten years?" My eyes start to water.

The other line was silent.

"Fuck you. Bye Bill." I ended the phone call. That night I didn't go down to eat dinner with my dads. I just locked myself in my room and cried. A lot.

Tonight was the night I was going to tell him I liked him. Fuck. I loved him.


I walk into school with my friend group. Stephanie, Georg, and Gustav. We hysterically laugh all together. We instantly became friends during Freshman year. We're now Juniors. It's been the best years of my life. But, I do miss Bill.

We walk to my locker because I have to put my new textbooks in. But, I get shoved not even 10 steps in.

"Oops, sorry." I apologize and recognize the tall boy.

"Move it." Bill let's out, while having his arm around the familiar Blondie.

"Damn, okay." I roll my eyes. Georg and Gustav start bickering and laughing at Bill.

I can see Bill tense up as they continue. I remember he would always do the same when Hannah would make fun of me.

"Babe hurry up, you're taking too long." Hannah dragged out the 'e' which was super annoying. Her eyes almost bloodshot, definitely high.

"How about you take a long nice drink of water. I think you've inhaled enough smoke, hon." I snickered out. Stephanie joins, but tells me to apologize.

"Mm sorry." I mumbled out.

Bill doesn't say anything. He just slams him locker and walks away with Hannah.

But, I can hear him mumble, "fuck you."

"Fuck you, too." I flip him off behind his back. Stephanie hits my hand and drags me to our first class. Stephanie kisses Georg on the cheek. We wave goodbye to Gustav and George before entering.

"God, wasn't this the classroom Bill just walked in to?" I whispered to Stephanie. Stephanie just shrugs and finds two desks next to each other.

The bell rings and the teacher walks in. He tells everyone his name and what the whole semester would look like. I wasn't really paying attention, until he said that we will have assigned seats.

I look up at the board and look at the names. I see that me and Stephanie are sitting next to each other. We both squeal and sit across each other.

"I can't believe we get to sit next to each other!" Stephanie smiles.

"I know right. When I tell you I was praying!!" I giggle, "at least you get to help me with the worksheets. I suck at science and you're smart."

"Hey! Says the one taking senior year math.." She rolls her eyes.

We glance over hearing the chair next to me move. The guy takes a seat.

"Shit." Stephanie gives me a stern look for swearing. But, takes it back immediately to see Bill.

I turned to him. "Can you sit somewhere else? I can practically smell that white girl." I waved my hand in front of my nose.

"Yeah, let me just walk up and sit at a random table." Bill rolls his eyes.

"Thank you," I sighed.

"Why aren't you moving." I looked at him with confusion.

"It's my assigned seat, why would I move because an imbecile tells me?" Bill scoffs. He always has the best comebacks.

I just cross my arms and watch the teacher begin explaining more about the course.

"Let's do a little ice breaker game. At your table say three things about yourself and your name." The teacher exclaims. I could feel the classrooms eye rolls.

"What are we five?" I comb my hair through my fingers. I could hear Bill chuckle. I couldn't help, but smile.

Stephanie clears her throat, "well... I'm Stephanie. I love my cats, I'm on the badminton team, and I love to ski."

There was awkward pause.

"Fine. I'll go, such a gentlemen Bill. I'm Y/N. I'm on the track team, I love music, and I hate Bill." I smirk.

Bill just rolls his eyes, "My name is Bill. I have a twin, I want to start a band, and I have a girlfriend."

"Oh, and I hate Y/N too." He adds on.

"That was way more than three, babe." The 'babe' naturally slips out. I usually say it all the time, but saying it to Bill was really weird.

Stephanie smirks as she watches me try to take it back. Bill and I were flustered.

"Oops I did not mean it like that, I SWEAR!" I cover my mouth before I saw anymore. Bill just laughs. I missed that genuine laugh he has, he makes you feel like the funniest person in the world.

"Still an imbecile." Bill playfully punches me and tucks my hair behind my ear. It was a reflex he always had. He quickly takes his hand away and goes on his phone.

The bell rings.

"That was weird." Stephanie starts to play with her hair.

"I know." I start playing my necklace.

A couple of more classes pass. Very long hours.

"Hey bitch."

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