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I've always had a love for taking pictures growing up. I loved taking pictures of things I love like, my friends, family, and pets.

I have an Instagram account for the things I photograph. I have quite a following, but I don't really care about the numbers.

I was getting ready to hang out with my friends. Of course, I brought my camera to the hang out.

"Hey guys!" I practically ran over to them with my camera in my hands.

"Hi cam girl!" One of my friends jokingly said.

My eyes widen and my friends started laughing.

"Oh my fucking god, don't say that." I started laughing with them, as we set up the blanket on the ground for our picnic.

We talked for a while, before we decided to buy some ice cream from a shop nearby.

I took a picture of my friends, while we laughed and talked in line for ice cream.

"We're in public, Y/N." Ann, one of my best friends, rolled her eyes and laughed.

I just shrugged and smiled at the pictures. We got our ice cream and went back to our spot behind a tree.

"So, Y/N do you have a date tonight?" Kayla looked at me as I was scrolling through my photos on my camera.

I looked up and blushed, "yeah."

"You guys have been dating for two years and you're still embarrassed when we ask you about your date?" Ann teased me, which made me blush even more.

"Have you guys said I love you, yet?" Ann asked as she scooped out the last bit of her strawberry ice cream.

"Not yet." I started to bite the inside of my cheek.

They saw that I was getting a little uncomfortable and decided to talk about something else for a while.

To be fair, I love Bill, but I don't know when to say it. I don't want it to be awkward.

A few hours later, Ann and Kayla decided to come over and help me get ready.

"You're going to look so cute, Y/N!" Ann squealed as she brought out her hair supplies.

"Yeah." Kayla nodded as she began to do my makeup.

Finally, we finished. I wore a short dress, a pair of heels, and a silver necklace. My hair was curled at the ends.

I put my camera in my purse as we were walking out.

"Wait, why are you bringing your camera? You never bring them to your dates, OH!" Kayla realized and smiled.

I just smiled and blushed.

We were driving to the restaurant. Ann and Kayla wanted to come and watch, but I convinced them not to.

I walked in and waved goodbye to Kayla and Ann. Until, I saw them parking and coming out of the car.

I turned around, "what are you guys doing?"

"Oh, we just so happen to have reservations." Kayla tried to not be suspicious, but she failed because she's a terrible liar.

"Okay..." I gave them a side eye, before I entered the restaurant.

I saw Bill and quickly sat down across from him. But, I also saw my friends sitting not one table away from us, right next to us.

"Oh my gosh." I rolled my eyes and put my face in my hands.

"Is something wrong, liebling (darling)?" Bill asked as he lowered my hand and held it.

"My friends are literally sitting right next to us." I looked over at them and shot them a dirty look. They just gave me an innocent shrug.

Bill laughed, "it's okay, liebchen (sweetheart)." I blushed at the nicknames.

We ordered our food as we talked for a bit.

"Oh, Y/N, this is for you." Bill grabbed something from his pocket.

It was a box. I opened it and gasped. It was a star bracelet.

"This is beautiful, thank you, Bill." I took it out of the box.

Bill grabbed the bracelet and helped me put it on my wrist. He smiled, looking at it and then looked at me.

Our food arrived, we started to eat. Bill talked to me about stupid things Tom and Georg did and how Gustav stopped them.

I watched him lovingly and grabbed my camera and took a picture of him.

"Why did you take a picture of me?" Bill was smiling and confused.

"Because I take pictures of things I love." Y/N lowered her camera and looked at Bill.

"I love you, Bill." She grabbed Bill's hand on the table.

"I love you too, Y/N." Bill smiled and blushed.

"Aww." Me and Bill heard someone say, we turned our heads to the table next to us.

"Sorry! Didn't mean to ruin the moment." Kayla started to apologize as Ann starts to laugh.

Me and Bill just smiled and laughed.

BILL KAULITZ ☆ one shots/imagines!Where stories live. Discover now