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I slipped on the sparkly black dress my friend picked out, trying not to mess up my makeup. It fitted nice on my body, getting all of the curves just right. Me and my friends were going to the club because why not?

"Damn, I wish I looked like you." Emma looked me up and down through the mirror, while she placed her eyelashes on her lid. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my ID to place in my wallet.

"Hurry up, Emma." Vanessa whined as she laid in my bed with her outfit and makeup done.

"I'm done." Emma walked out of the bathroom and grabbed her purse. Vanessa sighed as we both followed behind.

We decided to grab an Uber because it would be the safest option for us. Plus, nobody wants to drive tonight. Finally, we arrived to the club and the music was blasting outside of the building. The three of us climbed outside and checked in with the bouncer in the front.

"Home sweet home." Emma yelled out as she went straight to the bartender. I laughed and followed her as Vanessa wondered to the dance floor. Emma and I ordered a few drinks, then decided to join Vanessa at the dance floor. Mostly, we danced together because we didn't feel like dancing with strangers, not yet. We let our bodies move to the blasting beat of the music. Vanessa and Emma kept looking at each other, then they pulled me to the side.

"What?" I yelled out loud as I took a sip of my drink.

"That guy has been checking you out all night." Vanessa pointed over to a tall guy with jet black hair, that was just past his shoulders. He was very handsome.

"Oh my gosh, he's hot." I said as I checked him out through the neon lights.

"You should dance with him." Emma slurred out as she kept dancing to the music. I quickly shook my head.

"Come on!" Emma grabbed my arm and dragged me over to the guy. She ignored every protest and profanities I let out.

"My friend, Y/N, thinks you're cute." She slurred out as she pointed towards me. He smirked against the glass up his lips. Then, he dragged me to the dance floor. From behind, I flipped Emma off, but she just laughed.

Me and this mystery man danced to the beat of the music. We both sang along and laughed together. Even though, we haven't spoken to each other yet, I was having so much fun. My body grinds against his as I get more drunk. I dragged him over to the drinks area to buy a few more drinks for us.

"I think you've had enough." He laughs under his breath and gently grabs my arm. I frowned as we continued to dance on the dance floor. Looking over I see Emma dancing with Vanessa and a guy with short blond hair and brown eyes. Suddenly, I held a hand on my chin. Quickly, I met eyes with him. He pulled me in for a passionate kiss in the middle of the dance floor. Feeling his hands travel around my body and neck. I instantly melt within his touch.

After a while, I gathered Vanessa and Emma to go home. The guy decided to walk us out and call us an Uber. Before, the Uber arrived I asked him.

"What's your name?" I squinted at the streetlights behind him. He smiles and wipes the mascara under my eyes.

"Bill. Bill Kaulitz." Bill kisses my cheek, then writes something down on my hand. He walks away as the Uber arrives to the club. All three of us climbed in and sat down.

"Wait. BILL KAULITZ?" Vanessa processed the information and yelled it out, scaring our Uber driver a bit.

"You were dancing and kissing Bill Kaulitz. What the fuck." Vanessa was in disbelief as she tries to process it in her drunken state. I was dozing off with Emma laying her head on my shoulder. Later, I felt a light tap on my shoulder as I was woken up by Vanessa.

"Come on, let's go." She dragged us out to my apartment. Before we crashed on the couches, Vanessa grabbed my hand and my phone, then starts to type. She tossed me my phone back, but then I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up with a pounding heat attack, I could practically feel my brain trying to escape my head.

"No fucking way." I heard Emma whisper as she wakes Vanessa up. I looked over in curiosity as she gasped.

"What?" I whispered, trying not to make my headache worse.

"Me and Vanessa were dancing with Gustav. Gustav Schäfer from Tokio Hotel." Emma fan girls as I rub my forehead. She shows Gustav's story of him with Emma and Vanessa, with the caption 'loved dancing with these girls.' That while morning was us fan girling and freaking out.

Later, all of us were getting ready in the bathroom. I was going to wash my face and I look over at the writing on my hand. It was someone's number.

"Who wrote their number on my hand?" I turned around to Vanessa and Emma. They both shrugged as they continued to brush their teeth. Until, Vanessa gasped.

"That's Bill's number." She looked me dead in my eyes. I shook my head in disbelief as I patted my face with a towel. Vanessa nodded as she grabbed my phone and opened messages.

###-###-####: I hope I can see you again soon<3

"That could literally be any man." I rolled my eyes as Vanessa is still on my phone. She opened camera roll and showed me a selfie of Bill's arm around me. I texted him back quickly.

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