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"What are you guys doing?" I watch in disbelief of these guys graffitiing on school property.

"Shut up." One of the guys spat out at me. He continued to spray paint on the wall.

"Don't be such an asshole." A tall boy behind me defended me. I looked at him and smiled. He just gave me a weak smile.

"What is going on?" A teacher yelled out and the two guys ran out, before the teacher could even see the culprits. The scene looked like me and him did it. The cans were rolling by our feet and the drawings were in front of our faces. We cough as the fumes consume our bodies.

"You two, principals office, now." The teacher looked at us. Me and the boy looked at the teacher in horror. But, we both didn't say anything. The principal explains that until we are proven innocent, we will have detention for two weeks.

"Damn." I mumbled under my breath as I walked out of the office. The guy next to me was pissed. He cursed under his breath as he walked.

The next day, I walked in to the classroom and saw that same tall guy sitting at a desk. He still looked as pissed as ever.

"Bill. Y/N. Organize the book shelf, it's a mess." The teacher ordered, before leaving the classroom and locking the door. We didn't speak for a while as we organized in silence. Bill is cute. His eyes really pop against his black hair, man he has long eyelashes.

"Um, did you hear me? That book goes there." Bill spoke as he pointed where the book in my hands needed to be.

"Oh, sorry." I mumbled as I put the book in the shelf. He just rolled his eyes and kept checking the clock on the wall. He seems to be in such a hurry, even though we would be here for another hour.

"So, did you finish the homework for science?" I asked, trying to lighten up the mood.

"What?" He looked at me like I insulted him.

"Nevermind." I let out a sigh and went to the other side of the classroom to clean up. I was minding my own business as I was organizing the books. Humming a tune trying to pass the time as the books slip from my hand to the wooden shelf. I felt a breath behind me, but I ignored it as I kept humming.

"I did." I heard a quiet voice behind me. I turned around and it was Bill standing with a couple of books in his hands.

"Huh?" I looked at him dumbfounded.

"The homework. I did it." He said dryly as his arm reached over by my head. His slim arm grazing over my hair, feeling the air brush above my head. I felt my heart beating as his face was inches apart, his lips were parted as he places a book.

"Sorry, I was putting a book back." He excused himself and went back to his side of the classroom. I needed to know what is bothering this boy. But, as soon as I was going to leave, we were told that we could leave.

The next afternoon, Bill wasn't in the classroom. I sat there staring at the floor as I waited for Bill to walk through the door. But, today he didn't come to detention on time. The teacher looked pissed, but she made me organize a few files. I grabbed the files and placed them in the cabinets, as I tapped my foot to a random beat stuck in my head.

"Do we organize this?" I heard a small voice as they walk through the doors. It was Bill, I slowly nodded. He let out a frustrated sigh and grabbed his half, then went to the other side of the room. I rolled my eyes as I continued to organize.

"Why were you late?" I asked as I looked over at Bill. He ignored me as he sorted through the stack in silence. I just sighed as I closed the cabinets. We just sat in silence for a while.

"I was hanging out with my band mates." He spoke, which scared me a bit because I was zoning out.

"Is your hearing delayed or something? I asked that question 20 minutes ago." I rolled my eyes jokingly, he gave me a slight smile. Bill flipped me off as I went to sit a chair, because I finished organizing.

"Are you in a music group?" I spoke as I tried to make conversation with Bill. He rolled his eyes as he sifted through his last stack of papers.

"Why do you want to know?" He snapped at me as I rolled my eyes back at him. Bill just turned his back on me and stayed silent.

"Jerk." I whispered under my breath as I put my head down to take a nap. I was woken up by the teacher, letting me go. Looking over and Bill already left, not even waking me up.

Next day, I went to the classroom and saw Bill sitting there. The teacher told us we had nothing to do, so we had to sit in silence. She left the room after that and I put my head down. I was slowly dozing off, until I heard someone talking to me.

"I'm sorry." Bill whispered as he looked over at me. I gave him a confused look and then went back to fall asleep, turning my head away from him.

"Really, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you yesterday. People usually make fun of me for being in a band group because it's childish. That's why I was so pissed the last few days." He explained as I made eye contact with him. Bill looked sincere.

"It's okay." I accepted his apology as I lifted my head up and fixed my hair. We started to talk for a bit because we both knew the teacher wasn't going to come back for a while. Bill talked about his band 'Tokio Hotel' and how they're making songs. It was cute seeing his light up talking about something he loves. He even showed me some drafts from his notebook.

An hour passed, the teacher let us go. This time we walked out together and kept our conversation going.

"When you get famous I better be front row in one of your concerts." I laughed as I watched our feet walk out of the building. Bill nodded and continued about their journey.

"Oh, I turn here." I pointed as he was going to opposite direction. Walking away as I waved goodbye.

"Wait, before you go. Can I get your number? I want to invite you to our practices one day." He smiles as he tried to search for paper. I was about to pull out a piece of paper out from my pocket.

"Here, you can just write it on my hand." He held out his hand as I wrote down my number with a pen. We said our goodbyes as we went back home. I walked back home, thinking about Bill. I smiled to myself as I crushed the piece of paper in my hands.

The next afternoon, Bill and I were talking the whole time before the teacher walked in. She gave us a weird look and told us to mop the floors. We just shrugged and nodded as we went out in the halls. Bill and I watched as the teacher literally walked out of the building.

"Don't they have janitors for a reason?" I blurted out as I splashed the mop into the bucket of water. He just laughed as we wiped the floors with the soapy water mixture.

"Did you see her walk out too?" I asked as I cringed at the sound of the mop on the floor.

"Yeah, what if we just walk out?" Bill suggests as he drops the mop on the floor making it splash water on my shoes.

"Are you serious." I looked at him with a death glare. He just laughed. I grabbed the mop and wiped it all over his shoes.

"Now we're even." I smiled at him innocently as he rolls his eyes at me. We both tried to walked through the halls, trying not to slip. Bill and I decided to grab ice cream. We talked about his songs that they're writing, it was nice not bickering. After an hour, we decided to walk back to school to grab our things.

"Where were you two?" The teacher asks as we stared at her blankly. She was pissed as she looked out in the hallways at the mess we made.

"I'm extending the date for your detentions." She announces as we just shrug. As she dismisses us, we couldn't contain our excitement.

"It was nice talking to you today." I said as we walking together. He nodded as he stared at the ground smiling. As we approached the turn, he looks at me.

"What?" I looked at him confused. Bill grabs my face and kisses me. I kiss him back as my hands traveled around his body. He pulled away and smiled.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Bill smiles as he walks back to his house. I blush and nod.


BILL KAULITZ ☆ one shots/imagines!Where stories live. Discover now