it's written all over your face

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- louis tomlinson

Bill and I aren't technically friends. We both tease each other, people always ship us. But, we both know that so disgusting and we would never date.

"Hey Billy!" I walk into the school and sling my arm around Bill's neck. I stuck my tongue revealing my tongue piercing.

"Get off of me." Bill pushes me off of him and gives a death side eye glare. I laugh and push my body against Bill's side.

"Come on, you know you love me." I laugh. Bill just rolls his eyes and push me one more time. I laugh and walk over to Tom.

Tom is laughing and pulls me in to a side hug. "You guys are literally meant for each other." Tom pokes my side and I flinch.

I nudge him, "no, way!" Tom just shakes his head and laughs. I give him a death glare.

"See, you even have the same death glare as Bill." Tom smirks, he points at Bill and me. I just roll my eyes and go to my classroom.

First class, I sit right behind Bill. I love sitting back here with Georg. Me and Georg fool around in the back.

"Shhhh," I shush Georg as he's dying laughing. Me and him were drawing our teacher Mr. S on my notebook. I couldn't help but giggle too with him. Which caused Bill to turn around.

"Can you guys shut up?" Bill's whole body is facing towards me, our faces just inches apart. I could practically feel his breath on me. Bill probably noticed I haven't said anything and I was staring at him because he started to smirk. But, his smirk brought me back to reality.

"No, just turn your pretty face around and pay attention." I motion my finger in a circle. Bill just rolls his eyes and smirks.

"What was that..." Georg turns to me and gives me a confused look.

"What do you mean?" I shrugged and started to gaslight him.

"What do I mean? You literally froze and stared into Bill's eyes. Your face even got a little pink!" Georg's voice getting louder and louder after every word.

"SHHHH!" I shushed him, but my voice was quite loud. Which caused everyone to turn around. Especially, Bill, still smirking. I just roll my eyes at him and cross my arms.

"Do you have anything to say Ms. Y/L/N?" Mr. S puts down his text book and looks at me.

"No." I said sternly. I could hear someone say, "It's actually Mrs. Kaulitz!" I turn my head towards them. It was Tom, I flipped him off. Also, flipping off Bill smirking at me. Not noticing Mr. S is still looking at me.

"Ms. Y/L/N, talk to me after class." Mr. S says before returning back to his lesson.

I just sunk into my chair. I hate being embarrassed into from of the class, let alone a talk with the teacher. My head was down, but I could see Bill looking at me from time to time to check on me. Which made my stomach kind of flutter.

The bell rung, I watched as everyone leave and I just sit there at my desk. But, for some reason Bill was the last one to leave. Usually, he just darts out the door to avoid being near me.

Mr. S explains how I shouldn't be disrespecting his class and pay attention. Also, to not flip people off because it can hurt their feelings.

"Isn't that the point..." I thought as Mr. S talks. But, at this time I'm on the verge of tears. I could even open my mouth without a small whimper coming out.

I nod as Mr. S let's me off the hook and I go straight to the bathroom to calm myself down. I look at myself in the mirror my liner is smudged and my mascara is clumped. I just decided to take off all my make up.

I walk towards the door of my second class and I see Bill at the corner of my eye. He walks towards me and I stop in my tracks.

"I'm sorry," Bill says as he scratches off his paint nail polish. I look at him confused, he just looks at my tear stains.

"I'm sorry for getting you in trouble today." He says as he bites his bottom lip.

"Oh, sorry I'm not used to you being nice." I say as I scratch the back of my head. He just playfully punches you.

I continue, "it's okay, it was my fault anyways." I walk to my second class.

During my second period, all I could think of was how Bill acted. I was doing my math work and started daydreaming about me and Bill being a couple. But, I snap out of it.

"Are you daydreaming?" My friend Jane asks. Me and her have been best friends for longer than me and Bill have been fighting.

"Sorry..." I continue to do my math homework and I see out the corner of my eye Jane examining me.

"You always finish your math work earlier... You've been on this problem for 20 minutes." Jane says. She continues, "do you have a crush!?"

My eyes widen, "hell no!" I yell out. My face started to get red and my heart started to race.

"Hell yeah you do. The last time you acted like this you had a crush on that golf boy!" Jane started to get excited.

I shush her and get back to my work. She shakes me, "let me guess!" I frantically shake my head.

"Is he in this room?" I shake my head.

"Do I know him." I slowly nod. Jane gasps.

She continues this for what felt like ages. Then, she mutters, "Bill Kaulitz?" I try to shake my head, but I suck at lying.

"NO FUCKING WAY." She yells, but luckily the bell was ringing. She follows me to my locker.

"No fucking way..." She looks at me and then at Bill walking past us. She nudges me.

"Shut the fuck up, Jane." I nudge her back, but it's too late. She motions for Bill to come over.

"What? Are we going to fight or something?" Bill comes over, holding his back pack strap with one hand.

I roll my eyes, "no, Jane is just being annoying." Bill looks at me.

"Interesting, usually you would say yes." Bill says leaning against the locker next to me. I felt my face burning up.

"Actually, she has something to tell you." Jane giggles and closes my locker door. She nudges me closer to Bill.

"What?" Bill says in suspicion. My heart just starts to beat faster. All I could think about is how cute he is this close.

"I... uh..." I stutter out. Bill smirks and locks eyes with me.

"I think I know what you're going to say." Bill smirks and comes closer to me.

"It's written all over your face." He grabs my chin and kisses me. Jane is in the back and her jaw is dropped.

I just kiss back and my heart is beating faster than when I have to run in gym class. Bill is the one who pulls away. He smirks and leaves to go to his class.

"What the fuck." Tom was standing behind Jane the whole time. I turn around and my face is all red. I rush to my next class.

"I... What... How... Huh?" Tom just stands there with his jaw dropped. Jane just laughs and grabs Tom's arm to go to their next class.

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