wrong number

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"Oh my god... he did not just break up with me over text." Y/N throw my phone on my bed. My best friend, Jessy, tries to comfort me.

"He wasn't even cute anyways..." Jessy tried to help me.

"But, 3 years is a long time to be broken up over TEXT!!" Tears start forming. Y/N sits on her bed and grabs a pillow.

Jessy just rubs her back and let's her let it all out, "It's going to be okay."

She finally calmed down and her sadness turned into hatred. Y/N threw her pillow on to the ground.

"How dare he break up with me over the phone."
Y/N hiccups a couple more times.

"I'm calling him and going to tell him off." She grabs her phone from the ground.

By the time, She had already blocked his number. So, She decided to use Jessy's phone. Y/N types in his number by heart.

"Hey, BABE... Fuck you for breaking up with me over text. Three years down the drain with five words? You were my first love, heck you were my first time! I put trust in you and you just want to throw it all away. I was going to surprise you with a trip to Hawai'i next month, guess I'll go by myself. Fuck you." Y/N catches her breath and decided to wait for his response.

"I..." The other line spoke, but Y/N decided to end the call.

Jessy was there flabbergasted. She has never heard Y/N swear and she has never seen her this mad, sad, and every single emotion at once.

"Well, I guess it's over now." Jessy speaks as she grabs pillows and blankets to put on the couch for our sleepover.

"I guess so..." Y/N grabs her phone back and went to the living room.

Y/N and Jessy decided to watch some movies before  falling asleep.

The next morning, Y/N wakes up to a phone screen right in my face. She flinched from the bright screen.

"Ugh, what is it?" Y/N groans and grabs the phone. The screen reads...

Unknown: Hey, hope you're okay. Just wanted to let you know that you called the wrong number. And, that guy seems like a jerk, I'm sorry. If you need anyone you can text me.

Y/N covers her mouth with her hand. Her face flushed with embarrassment.

"Oh my god, that is so embarrassing." Y/N start giggling a bit. Jessy started bursting out laughing, they laughed for a good bit.

Y/N decided to text back...

Y/N: Oh my gosh, I am so sorry you had to hear that! It would be nice to let out my feelings with a total stranger. Here's my number ### - ### - ####. This is my friends phone.

"Woah, already moving on so fast?" She nudged Y/N. Y/N shook her head and gave Jessy's phone back.

"I have to go home now, I have a shift early today!" Y/N hugs Jessy goodbye. She gets her car keys out and starts her car home.

Unknown: Hi

Y/N runs into her house. Her dad spoke, "hey honey-" She was already upstairs in my room before he could finish his sentence.

Y/N: Hey :)

Unknown: How have you been? Ya know... since the break up?

Y/N: I've been better, but it's fine. He wasn't really worth it anyways, it was kind of small...

Unknown: LMAO

Unknown: Mine is much bigger ;)

Y/N: WOAHH!! I don't even know you name

BILL KAULITZ ☆ one shots/imagines!Where stories live. Discover now