Do I Wanna Know?

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- arctic monkeys

I was packing my things for a sleepover at Gustav's house. Me and him are family friends, I'm over at his house almost everyday. But, this time he invited Georg, Tom, and Bill. I was a little nervous going over to Gustav's house because Bill is going to be there.

I arrive and knock on the door.

"Y/N!" Gustav yells out and hugs me, I hug him back. Even though we see each other everyday, he always acts like we haven't seen each other in years. I love him for that.

"Hi, Gustav! I brought snacks." I smiled and put down my stuff in the corner.

"Thank you, the boys should be here soon." He helps me put out the snacks on the living room table.

"Yeah..." I sighed as I grabbed a few bowls to pour in the chips.

"You don't seem to happy, Y/N. Bill is coming over, aren't you excited?" He asked as he smiled because he knew my crush on Bill.

"Yeah, but I'm nervous. What if I say some thing stupid?" I frowned as I got out the solo cups from the cabinets.

"You won't, Y/N. Stop worrying, we've known the twins since forever." Gustav put his hand on my shoulder to calm me down. It worked and I gave him a smile.

We heard knocks on the front door, me and Gustav run to the door. It was Georg, Tom, and Bill at the front door. I blush at the sight of Bill, he's so cute.

"Hi guys." I said with a smile, trying not to be awkward.

"Hey, Y/N!" Bill runs up to me and gives me a big hug. I guess it has been a while since I saw the boys, they've been busy with schoolwork. I smiled and hug Bill back.

"I've missed you." Bill smiles and puts me down. I nodded in agreement and get the living room set up with blankets everywhere.

We caught up for a while because Georg, Tom, and Bill live in another neighborhood.

Gustav got up and went to the kitchen without saying anything. All of us look at each other in confusion.

"Who wants some?" Gustav comes back with his hands full of beer.

"Are you serious." I looked at Gustav as he gave the rest a beer.

"What?" Gustav gave me an innocent smile and handed me a beer. I took it gracefully as we cheers and take a sip all together.

All of us drank a couple of bottles of beer. We were pretty buzzed, luckily Gustav's parents were out staying with his grandparents this weekend.

"Let's play truth or dare." Georg slurs out as he grabs an empty bottle and places it in the middle, I think it was the middle, I don't know my vision is not the best right now.

"Whoever it lands on has to choose." Georg continues.

"That's stupid." Tom spits out as he sloppily sips his beer.

"I don't think it's stupid." Bill slaps Tom and he lets out a little scream. We all bursted out laughing and Tom's face turned bright red.

"Let's play already." I took my last sip of my beer and placed it down by my side.

We all decided that Tom should be the first one up.

"Truth or dare, Tom." I asked as I sat back with my hands on the floor.

"You're supposed to spin the bottle first." Tom protests as he tries to reach to spin the bottle. I snatched it away and held it behind my back.

"Fine. Dare." Tom rolled his eyes.

"I dare you to DM Heidi Klum that you are madly in love with her." I smiled as I watched Tom's face turn red.

"Ugh, do I have to?" Tom whined as he took out his phone.

"Dare is a dare." I smiled at Tom and he gave me a fake smile back as he types out his message.

"Send it." I demanded as I looked over his phone.

"I sent it, goodness." He dropped his phone facing down and covered his face in embarrassment.

"Fuck you." Tom flipped me off as he was laying down now, thinking about his life choices.

"I'll spin it." Bill got closer to the bottle and spun it. Of course, it landed on me.

"Fuck." I thought as I nervously tried to pick a choice.

"Umm, truth." I spoke as I bit the inside on my cheek.

"Weakass." Tom mumbled as he gave me death glares. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Are you in to anyone in this room right now?" Bill asks as he looks around at everyone.

"Yeah." I mumbled as I took a sip of my beer.

"Who?" He's asks in curiosity, scooting a little bit closer to be.

"Only one question." I protested as I was reaching out to spin the bottle.

"It's you." Gustav blurted out, clearly very drunk.

"Gustav." My voice was stern and I was staring at him with dagger eyes.

"She always talks about you Bill. How cute you are, how your voice is nice, how you are nice, and more." Gustav continues. I just sit back because he already said enough, I couldn't defend myself.

"Oh! The dreams she has with Bill..." Gustav covers his mouth with his hands.

"Y/N?" Bill looks at me blushing and coming closer to me.

"He's just lying..." I tried to back myself up.

"Do I wanna know, what you're dreaming about?" Our faces centimeters apart. I could kiss him right then and there.

Before I could answer, Bill smashes his lips into mine and we kiss sloppily. We pull away and smile.

"Eww." Georg says in disgust as he watches us in horror. Me and Bill laugh.

"I think I'm going to throw up." Tom covers his mouth.

"Stop being dramatic, Tom." I roll my eyes at him.

"No, like actually." Tom runs to the bathroom and pukes.

We all laugh as Tom comes back feeling much better. After a bit, we all passed out in the living room. Bill's arm was wrapped around my waist.

TYSM FOR 23K AND 24K READS!!<33 Sorry for not uploading as much, I'm literally just being lazy

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