Love Like This

860 24 4

- zayn

"Y/N! You're here." Bill runs up to me and hugs me from behind. We were preparing for their show tonight. I was their vocal coaches, so we have to practice. I made all of them do vocal exercises together. Doing various hums and tunes. Even though, it was Bill mainly singing, it's always good to loosen up everyone's vocal cords.

"Okay, let's take a break." I announced as I placed down my pencil and notebook. The boys nodded and went straight to the snacks at the studio.

"Are you going to be at the show tonight?" Bill asks as he grabs some snacks. His voice was a bit shaken.

"Of course, I come to every show." I reassured him, he sounded nervous for the show. Bill sighed in relief, before sitting down next to me.

"Don't worry. You'll do amazing." I patted his shoulder. He nodded and gave me a hug. I instantly melted at his touch.

It was an hour before the show, everyone was getting dressed for the show. Bill was sitting in the makeup chair as he complained to me about how he's nervous for the show, because there were so many people.

"Why are you so nervous? You've played stadiums like this before." I rubbed his back, reassuring that it'll be alright. He just sighed as he looks in the mirror one more time. We did some warmups to prepare his voice.

"Bill, you'll be great." I smiled as I held my hands in comfort. He became less tense and nodded.

"Positions everyone!" One of the stage crew yells through the screaming commotion outside. All of the boys nodded. Bill runs to his spot, but I stop him.

"Wait! We have to do our handshake." I reminded Bill. We have this handshake we do to calm down his nerves, it's our routine nowadays.

"Have fun!" I yelled out as Bill ran to his spot on the stage. I watched as they all had a bright smile as the curtains fall down. The crowd erupted in screams as they began their first song on their setlist. I watched with a huge smile throughout the concert, watching all of them have fun during their show.

The show went smoothly as usual. Everyone had a great time. I watched from backstage as they run backstage. Bill ran quickly to me and gave me the biggest hug.

"I'm guessing it went good?" I smiled as he put me down.

"It was the best show yet." He smiles. We held eye contact for a while. Then, he pulled me in for a kiss on the lips. Which caught me by surprise, but I kissed him back passionately. He pulled away with a big smile.

"Y/N. The only reason I was so nervous today was, because I want to ask you to be my girlfriend." Bill confessed as a blush pink filled his cheeks. My eyes widen and my cheeks started to heat up.

"Yes, of course!" I nodded, pulling him in for another kiss. Wrapping my arms around his neck as his arms wrapped around my waist.

BILL KAULITZ ☆ one shots/imagines!Where stories live. Discover now