rainy day

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I wake up after my long nap to a huge thunderstorm outside. I flinch as a loud thunder strikes, shaking the house a bit. I get up to see what the boys were doing downstairs.

"DUDE THE COPS ARE CHASING ME!" I heard Tom yell at someone, while I heard controller clicks.

"WELL MAYBE DON'T STEAL CARS, YOU STUPID FUCKING COW!" Gustav yells at Tom. I could tell they were playing GTA.

I laugh and grab a glass of water from the kitchen. The kitchen was right behind the living room, so I had a clear view of the boys playing their game.

I could see Bill turn his head as he heard my laugh. He gets up and gives me a hug from behind, which made me flinch because he came out of nowhere.

"Hello to you too, Bill." I put the glass to my lips and Bill gives me a kiss on the cheek. He brings me to sit down next to him on the couch.

"How did you sleep?" Bill asks as he grabs a blanket from the other side of the couch.

"Good." I smile, but my smiled faded as I see the tv screen turn black.

"What the fuck." Georg throws his controller on the ground.

"Hey, I paid for that!" Bill yells at Georg, Georg just rolls his eyes. I laugh at Georg being annoyed.

"I'm going to the basement and try to fix the power." Tom runs down for the basement with Georg following along.

I pat next to me, signaling to Gustav to sit next to me, while the two boys fix the TV. All three of us talk for a bit, until the two boys come running up and the TV screen lights up again.

"JA (YEAH)!" Gustav jumps off the couch and claims his spot on the carpet. I giggle as I watch the three boys glue their eyes to the screen once again.

"Do you boys want chips? I'm kind of hungry." I could see them nod, but none of them turned their head at me. I grab a bowl and pour some chips into it.

"Hey, once you're done. Can I paint your nails, please?" Bill spoke as he snakes his arm around my waist.

I nod and bring one bowl in front of the three boys. Then, one bowl to the table next to the couch.

I watched as Bill runs up to our room to grab nail polish. I laugh and eat a couple chips, while watching the guys play.

"HOP IN MY CAR, GUSTAV!" Georg yells as I saw blue and red lights flashing on the TV screen.

Bill runs down with a couple of bottles of black nail polish.

"Bill, do we need this much black nail polish?" I laugh as he places the nail polish one by one on the table.

"Yes!" He taps the bottle on his hand to mix the slightly separated nail polish.

I place my hands on the arm rest as Bill gently takes my finger and paints it. I watched as Bill is fixated on making my nail perfect.

A thunder strikes again, making the lights flicker a bit. But, thankfully it didn't turn off the TV. I did not want to hear yelling.

I giggle as the feeling of Bill blowing at my finger nails to dry them faster. After a few minutes, he finally finished.

"How do they look, schönes Mädchen (pretty girl)?" He smiles and looks at me as I examine them.

"They look great." I wrap my arms around his neck and give me a peck on the lips. He kisses back and he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Ew, get a room!" Tom creates fake gagging noises. I look over and I roll my eyes. Bill kisses my neck, which causes me to giggle.

We decided to order from McDonald's for dinner. We were too lazy to get up from our position. We made Tom get up and get it from the door.

After a while, the three boys decided to sit on the couch and watch some movies. I grab some popcorn and drinks.

We watched about two movies, before Tom, Georg, and Gustav fell asleep. Soon after, I fell asleep in Bill's arms and so did he.

The TV closed from the thunder outside, but luckily we fell asleep, so no one was annoyed. The rain against the window muted the soft snores around us.


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