16th of June 2023 entry.

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It had been 3 days since I last journaled.

Life on the 16th was pretty good. I faced fears and challenges. For example, I had a midnight snack today; something I really feared but I did it for my health as I woke up late everyday, my body never consumed food for a long period of time making me feel faint in mornings.

It's ironic because I cried so bad, panicking when my mum forced me to have that yogurt at night time on that day I previously informed you guys about. But on this day, after my parents checked my blood pressure to find out it was extremely low, I intentionally chose to have a midnight snack. My own self allowed myself to have a snack! That was progress but also out of fear.

I had the energy hot chocolate, that I received as a present with the mug, and two caramel rice cakes. TWO! I was only going to restrict myself to have one but I listened to my body- which really wanted two.

My parents had a brief chat with my beforehand of something quite scary. Nightmares.

God shows some ones destiny through dreams. He shows us the future through dreams. He shows us everything through dreams in order for us to interpret them and act on them. In Genesis 40 and 41 Joseph was able to interpret peoples dreams and the dreams will come true, this is because God gave him the gift to interpret dreams. Why am I saying this? Everyone in my family and loved ones had been having similar dreams about me. In all the dreams something bad would happen to me; something they didn't even want to tell me. They had all told my dad. My dad then decided to act on this when 2 people from Nigeria with a strong relationships with God and of high status informed my dad they had a dream of my family crowded around my graveyard. The pastor said I have a bright future and the devil is trying to take it away from me; in other words the devil was plotting my death.

Hearing this from a pastor was shocking, a pastor never lies. God never lies. If God gave the pastor the gift to interpret his dream and to reach out to me, God wanted to save me and wanted out family to act out. He wanted us to take deeper steps forward into my healing journey. So we did. 

We invited God into the journey in a deeper level. In unity we prayed against the demonic forces. Pastors would continuously gather and pray for me. We prayed against death and demonic evil forces entering our family. We didn't ignore the dreams but instead prayed for them not to come to pass. Instead of fearing we put our faith in God that I would not die.

I didn't fear because I knew God was going to save me like how he saves others in the bible- but only if I put my full trust in him.

The pastor said from that day on the 16th that I would have to take the eucharist 3x a day (Jesus blood which is the wine and his body which is the bread). I obeyed this as John 6:51 says in Jesus's very words 'I am the living bread that came down out of heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread also which I will give for the life of the world is My flesh."

Therefore, I knew if I obey the pastor I would be saved as his words where from God. This was my general revelation, this was my redemption. God was saving me from death already.

This is why I stress how important it is to let God into your healing and build that bond with him because once you do he will save you, you will live. He will give you dreams and send others to pray for you. He will send his angels to fight the battles with the demonic forces which you cannot see. He will give the holy spirit the ability to give you the power of spiritual prayer. Just do it.

I felt I needed to act after I was informed about the dreams so I had the eucharist and trusted Jesus's flesh and blood to do it's work. I had the 2 rice cakes and hot chocolate to fuel myself for the night and GSCE exam the next day.

Whenever I felt God telling me do something, I'd immediately act on that sensation and that truly is a gift.

A gift I want to share with you guys.