22nd of June 2023 entry.

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4 days before this day was Sunday the 18th of June; Father's Day therefore, we decided to go to a place called exCeL. My dad wanted me to go to exCeL arena as it's a place where Christians join together in unity to pray and are led in prayer by a very famous successful pastor named Pastor Jerry- he heals may through praying led by the holy spirit. My dad wanted me to get healing from this mental illness subsequently, my family went to excel. 

One thing I noticed was how everyone praised the pastor and had high expectations towards him. As time passed, I had an amazing experience and glorious praying sessions; everyone was on fire as the holy spirit came unto them whilst praying. When the holy spirit leads one whilst praying, he causes them to pray in tongues where when they pray they request for things they didn't even know they needed  but God knows they needed; the holy spirit helps one to pray when they don't know how to. When I went to exCeL I prayed and prayed and it's the first time I really felt the holy spirit- that place was full of wonders.

I prayed for anorexia to leave,

I prayed for healing,

I prayed for contentment,

peace and strengthening.

I prayed and fully believed the prayers would be answered and that faith grew as so many people were  being healed before my eyes by God when the pastor prayed for them to be healed. I'm telling you tumours disappeared in seconds, people whom limbs didn't work started to work, so many miracles happened before me- I had never witnessed this spiritual sight ever! God was showing me he could do anything, heal anyone so, I prayed for my period to come back there and then. I prayed for my mental thoughts from my Ed thoughts to vanish.

When we left my dad bought a bracelet that they were selling  from exCeL that states, 'What God cannot do, does not exist'. My dad bought it as a grandma told us he should buy it to keep the blessings and healings and she said it should never be taken off.

As I'm writing this 38 days later, I have never took of the bracelet, not even in the shower. God said in the bible that I should listen to people above me, my grandma is above me and she said to not take it off therefore, I shall not.

Why is this relevant?

I mentioned how from this day It was 4 days after my experience in exCeL meaning it's 4 days that I've had the bracelet which I view as a mark from that day. Therefore, ever since that day, my anorexic thoughts haven't been too bad. nothing like they were before. The same day I went to exCeL I faced my very first fear food of bagels as God gave me the confidence too.

 The first day after those intense prayers in exCeL I obviously felt good. Second day I felt so depressed and it went bad. Third day was good until I took out my protective hairstyle to see I lost HAIR from anorexia and I had the most best, thick volume hair.

4th day when I journaled on the 22nd of June, I felt confident and ate more than usual without feeling guilt and because I had the courage and confidence to pray for my appetite back in exCeL, I got my appetite back. 
