14th of July 2023 entry.

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"And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness."- 2 Corinthians 12:9 

I interpret this to mean that we should always stand strong with our faith in God and trust him to give us strength. Why? Because in the bible, in 2 Corinthians 12:9, it states that 'he said' meaning in Gods own words he is confirming his grace is sufficient for us; he will help and provide for us whenever we need him to help and provide for us. God has promised to swap our weakness with strength and guys Gods strength is amazing. God will give us strength in Jesus name.

I wanted to stay happy as I was very happy the previous days before, but with mental illness, it always finds a way for you to be annoyed and irritated:

I woke up with a very tense body therefore, I wanted to do yoga to relieve my body and cleanse my mind. 

I went to my room to do yoga as I pleased but every minute or so, someone would barge into the room. 2 minutes into my yoga session, my mum came upstairs and when she came in I felt embarrassed. Not so long after, my dad came in, which was fine but it had kept going on until the point I felt stressed and overwhelmed. 

You see, the whole point of yoga for me is to feel relived, relaxed and liberal. I couldn't even feel relieved as I kept being interrupted. I even got in trouble as my parents thought I was working out and that ruined my mood.

When writing this a few months later, these things are very minor. My anorexia was way more potent back then that any tiny thing would bother me. 

Anorexia makes one want to be isolated. Anything and anyone can bother someone with anorexia. We become more sensitive and irritant. It negatively transforms us mentally and physically. It turns us away from our family and even makes us more mean to our loved ones. It makes us blind and oblivious to those who are around and care for us and turns us away from them. It takes away our friends and free mind. 

Is it worth it?