Chapter 2

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Hugh's POV

I sit on my bed, thinking of what I should say to my brother.

I promised myself that I will talk to him today, because last time I have promised myself that I will talk to him the next time that I will see him, and that ended up with me avoiding him for a week.

Xander isn't back yet, so I have a while to think about what I want to say.

About two hours later, the front door opens, and I already know that it's exactly the persons that I'm waiting for, because he starts a conversation with dad right after the front door closes behind him.

I try to decide if I should go downstairs and ask him to talk, or if I should just wait for him to come upstairs himself.

But before I can make the decision, my phone starts to ring, so I take it from my pocket, and I quickly see that it's my best friend, Laken.

"Hi." I say right after I pick it up.

"Hey." He responds. "You have no idea what that man told me to do." He tells me, sounding irritated.

"Your father?" I ask him.

"Yeah. Who else could I be talking about?" He asks with an eye roll, which makes me chuckle.

"Anyway. What has he done? Did he make you clean your room again?" I ask, remembering that he complains every single time that his father forces him to do that.

I personally don't see a problem in cleaning my room, it's spotless at the moment, but that's just because I have cleaned it today, it won't be clean for much longer.

"Yes!" He screams, which makes me wince slightly, because my werewolf hearing definitely didn't appreciate it.

"You really should check those ears of yours, it wasn't that loud." Laken tells me, talking about my pained expression.

"Or you could just stop screaming while we talk?" I ask him, but he doesn't respond, he just stares at me unimpressed, as if I have asked him to do something that is not possible.

"Anyway." I say, trying to change the conversation back to his father, who I still didn't meet, but I have heard a lot about.

"I don't care that he made you clean your room, it's something that will take a few minutes, and it's really not difficult, so stop complaining and just get it done." I tell him, and he groans.

"But I'm too lazy." He says, and it's my time to roll my eyes.

"Clean your room." I tell him in a stern voice, which makes both of us laugh in a matter of seconds.

"Whatever." He says, and then he hugs up.

I shake my head with a small smile, while I place the phone back in my pocket.

Not long later, I hear someone going up the stairs, and I can smell that it's Xander.

So, I stand up, and I go towards the door of my room, then I wait for Xander to get here.

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