Chapter 43

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Jonah's POV

I decided that it would be nice if Hugh and I will have a small date.

There isn't much that we can do inside of the pack, and I know that Hugh won't want to go to the city.

He doesn't really like to be there, and he only goes to the city if he has to go to school, or when he wanted to visit Laken.

He told me that he didn't plan on making friends with my nephew, and that he was slightly annoyed with himself when he realised that he liked to spend time with Laken, because it meant that he would have to visit the city more often than necessary.

So, I made a pizza for us, and we will go somewhere in the woods to eat it in peace.

This house is pretty loud most of the time, especially since the baby is here, so I'm sure that my mate will enjoy some quietness.

I already asked one of Hugh's parents to watch our baby for a while, and the pizza is waiting in a bag, so now I only have to wait for Hugh to come back to the house.

He went to see one of his friends, I have met him a while ago when he came here to see Hugh, but I don't really like him.

He's very weird, it makes me annoyed easily, but Hugh seems to enjoy his company, so I'm happy to let him hang out with him.

I would have been hesitant, but I have heard Hugh talk to Laken about the importance of a mate, and why he shouldn't ask the girls from the pack to date him, so this made it clear for me that he won't do anything with his friend.

When I finally hear that the front door opens, I look up, and I smile when I see Hugh, who looks happy to be back here.

I stand up, and I grab the bag with our food, before I take his hand, and I lead him back outside.

"Where are we going?" He asks curiously.

"I have no idea, I hope that you know some quiet place where we could sit." I tell him, and he nods his head, before he leads me into the woods.

We walk for a while, before we reach a very small clearing, and we decide that it will be a good spot, so we sit down on the grass, and I give Hugh some of the pizza while I take a bit for myself too.

"Did you make it?" He asks me, and I nod.

"With a bit of help." I say, which makes him smile at me.

We spend here more time than I was planning to, but when it starts to get dark, we decide that it's time to head back to the house, because someone will have to feed our kid soon, and I don't really want to make Hugh's father do it while I told him that I will be back to do it.

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