Chapter 6

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Hugh's POV

My phone rings, making me get out of my thoughts.

I look at the screen to see that it's Laken again, which isn't at all surprising, because he's my only friend that isn't a werewolf, so he's not able to just come to my house, and that's why he's the only one that might call me.

I pick it up quickly, and I'm greeted by my best friend, who's grinning at me from what looks to be his living room.

"Why do you look this happy?" I ask him curiously.

"Because I will have a party this evening, and you will have to come here." He informs me, and I roll my eyes.

"I hate parties." I tell him.

"I know but you're my only real friend, so I want to have you here, while all those almost strangers will be in my house." He says, with a pleading expression that is almost a pout.

"Okay." I say, and I sigh in frustration, but Laken doesn't seem to care.

I have only agreed because I feel guilty about the fact that I don't really tell him anything about me or my life, while he tells me everything.

But I really can't tell a human about the werewolves, since it's against the laws, as long as that human is their mate or their close family.

But even though he doesn't know much about me, I still consider him my best friend, although I have only known him for a few months.

"So, I expect you to be here in four hours." He tells me, so I glance at the clock to see what time that would be, then I reluctantly agree, and we decide to talk a bit more, before he says that he has to be somewhere, so we hung up.

I stand up from my desk chair, and I go to my dresser to find myself some clothes for this party.

I leave them on the chair, and I go down the stairs to get myself something to eat, because last time that I went to Laken party, I forgot to eat, and I regretted it for hours.

So, I make myself a lot of sandwiches, and I eat them reluctantly.

I don't really like food, but I have to eat something to survive, and that means that I will have to force myself to finish this food.

Dad joins me not much later, and soon a few of my younger siblings come here too.

"I will be out tonight." I tell dad.

"Where are you going?" He asks me.

I tell him about the party, and he reluctantly agrees to let me go, but I doubt that he would if it was not at Laken's house.

The good thing about having three parents instead of two is that I have three chances to get them to agree to something, while most of the people have just two, some even just one.

When I finish eating, I go upstairs to get ready, but I really hope that Laken will cancel it.

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