Chapter 13

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Hugh's POV

The next morning, I make myself some breakfast, and I really want to take it upstairs to eat it in my room.

But I know that if one of my fathers would find out, then I would be in trouble, because we're not allowed to eat upstairs in this house.

So, I decide to go to the living room, and I regret it not much later, because I only manage to sit, and to place my salad on the small table that is I front of the couch, and I'm already interrupted.

"So..." I hear from the doorway, which makes me look up to see tata.

"What do you want?" I ask, not really in the mood to talk.

I have no idea what my problem is today, but I'm annoyed without any reason.

"I want to know more about your mate." Tata tells me, making me groan loudly, but he doesn't seem to care that I clearly want to be alone, and he decides to sit next to me on the couch.

"I will tell you when I will want to tell you. For now, leave me alone." I tell him, hoping that he will leave, but of course the luck isn't on my side.

"Come on, tell me something." He says pleadingly.

"I told you to leave." I remind him, to which he rolls his eyes.

"I meant that I want you to tell me something about your mate." He clarifies, as if I didn't know that already.

"Mason, leave him alone!" Dad shouts to tata from up the stairs, making our ears ring.

Dad is an Omega so he doesn't have a hearing as good as ours, and he sometimes forgets that our hearing is much better, so he shouts to us if we're far from him, and our ears definitely don't appreciate it.

"But..." Tata starts to say loudly, so dad could hear him clearly, but he stops when he realises that dad's coming downstairs, so he decides to wait for him to get here.

"I just want to know about my eldest son's mate." Tata says, pouting.

"I don't care, leave him alone, I'm sure that he will tell us everything soon." Dad says, then he stops tata form arguing, before he can even open his mouth.

"I only met him a few days ago, I don't really know much about him yet." I say, hoping that it will make tata stop putting.

He sighs in disappointment, but he decides to leave the topic for now, so I turn back to my salad, that I almost forgot about.

They leave the living room not much later, but before I can even enjoy the peace, Xander comes here, and he sits at the same spot that tata was sitting on just a few minutes ago.

"So, you found your mate?" He asks me, so I nod my head in agreement.

I look up at him, to see if he's disappointed, but he looks happy for me, which makes me smile.

I keep the eye contact with him for a while longer, wanting to see if I will start to feel all the feelings that I used to feel when I was around him, but it seems that all those feelings had moved to Jonah.

I'm not as upset about that as I thought that I will be, but a part of me misses the way that I felt towards Xander before I met Jonah.

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