Chapter 14

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Hugh's POV

A few days later I go to Jonah's house again, I went there every day for about a week, pretending that I wanted to see Laken, but Jonah was nowhere to be seen.

I asked Laken about it, and I had to make sure to do it as casually as I could, because I don't want Laken to know that I like his father.

He will have to find out one day, but I don't want it to be this soon, I'm a bit scared that he will be disgusted by this, and I don't want to lose my friend.

That's also the same reason that I didn't tell him that I like my own brother, although I have told him that I like someone.

I had to talk about Xander to someone, and he was the best option, but I have never mentioned the fact that Xander is my brother.

Anyway, Laken told me that Jonah told him that he will be away for a while, because he needs to think about something, and I have a pretty good guess what he's thinking about.

This time when I reach their house, I can see that Jonah's car is parked in front of it.

So, I smile to myself, and then I take a deep breath, before I leave my car, so I can talk to my mate.

I really hope that he will accept me, the last time that I saw him, he looked like he wanted to agree to be with me, but some part of him was disgusted at the idea of dating someone a lot younger than him.

I mean, I'm not the fan of the age difference either, but it's not like I can change it, so I decided to not think about it.

I knock on the door, and a short while later the front door opens, revealing my mate, who looks like he had just woken up, which might be true because it's morning.

"Hi." I say.

He doesn't respond, but he invites me inside, so I decide to not panic, and to just sit with him.

"I was thinking about you for a few days." Jonah starts, right after we both get comfortable on the couch.

"And?" I ask, but I can feel that he's going to reject me.

"As I said before, I do like you, and to be honest you're the first person that really caught my attention." He says, before he looks away from me for a moment.

He takes a deep breath, as if preparing himself to tell me the next words.

"But I can't be with you right now." He tells me.

"Why?" I ask him, I have to know as much as I can, so I will be able to convince him to give us a chance.

"Because you're a teenager right now, but I will reconsider my decision if you will be interested in me when you will be a bit older." He tells me, but he sounds like it hurts him to say those words.

I rest my back against the couch, and I take a moment to make sure that I got everything correctly.

A while later I finally come up with something to say, but before I can even try convincing him to change his mind, he tells me to leave his house for now, since Laken isn't here, and he wants to be alone for a while.

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