Chapter 48

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Hugh's POV

A few weeks later were forced into babysitting Reggie's kids, since no one can watch them today, and Reggie has to be somewhere.

So, now we have our baby, and four more kids to watch.

"I don't think that I want to have another baby." Jonah tells me, and it makes Laken laugh, while I just roll my eyes.

"Really, I wish that this one could never learn how to walk, because those kids are terrible." Jonah tells us, but neither of us responds.

"Thanks." Raven says, which makes everyone laugh.

Jonah stays quiet for a few minutes after this, but he soon starts to complain again.

"Can't those kids just sit for moment?" He asks us.

"Like really, all they do is making a mess, and they shout whenever they can." He complains, and I have to hold my laughter.

Laken on the other hand doesn't hesitate to laugh at Jonah's constant complaining.

After a few moments, Jonah decides to sit on his knees on the floor, and he moves one of the boys, so he can look at him.

"Sit down." He tells Ryker.

Ryker frowns, looking at Jonah as if he's stupid, and then moves out of my mate's loose grip, before he runs towards his brothers.

Jonah looks at me with pleading eyes, and I have no idea what he's expecting from me, so I just shrug.

He sighs in frustration, and he sits on the couch, but he stands up only a while later when the kids start to run around the room, trying to catch each other.

He goes out of the room, and I wonder if he got tired of all this babysitting, but he comes back a few seconds later with a rope in his hands.

I frown at him, and I watch as he convinces all four kids to sit on the ground next to each other, before he ties the rope around all of the kids, tight enough to prevent their escape, but not too tight, so it shouldn't hurt them.

I expect the kids to start crying, but instead they start to laugh loudly.

Jonah seems happy with what he did, so he sits back on the couch while Laken still looks at the kids with a weird expression.

"Look they're sitting." Jonah tells me, gesturing with his hand to the kids that are on the floor.

"I wonder why." I say, and Laken starts to laugh again.

He then shakes his head, and he stands up, before he comes over to me, and he takes the baby from my hands, then he brings him close to his face, so he can look at him.

"I'm sure that you will have a great life." He tells my son, before he laughs again when the baby yawns.

Laken hands him to me, and I take Legacy upstairs, so he can rest for a while.

When I sit back on the couch, the front door opens, and not much later Reggie and his mate come into the living room.

They look at their laughing kids, which are trying to free themselves from the rope, before they look at us, and then each other.

"That was the last time that I left my kids with you." Reggie says, trying to sound serious, but I can hear the amusement in his voice.

"Hopefully." I say, and Jonah nods in agreement.

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