Chapter 25

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Hugh's POV

"Yeah, I was on my way out, when one of my fathers stopped me to remind me that I will have to go to the hospital." I say.

I feel bad about laying to him, but I can't really tell him the truth, because I wouldn't be able to explain the lack of a cast if I would tell him that I broke my arm.

But I try to keep it as truthful as it can be.

"Alright then, I hope that you will be alright." He tells me.

"Thanks. I will see you tomorrow." I say.

"Bye." He says, before he hugs up.

I sigh loudly, before I go out of my room, and down the stairs where papa's waiting on me.

We make our way out of our house, and towards the pack house in silence.

When we enter the pack hospital, we're instantly greeted by doctor Chris.

He motions for us to follow him, and I sit on the uncomfortable hospital bed.

Well, to be honest, this bed is kind of more comfortable than my own, but just the fact that it's a hospital bed makes it uncomfortable.

I explain to the Doctor that I will need him to fix my arm, and after he takes a look at my it to confirm that it's broken, he tells me that I will have to wait for a while, because he has to do similar thing to someone who was here first.

So, I will have to lay here for a few hours, until the Doctor will finish the other surgery, and clean the operations room.

It's not really my favourite thing to do to, but I doubt that papa will let me out of here before my arm will be fixed, so I will have to sit here for however long it will take.

I would like to call my mate again, because I'm sure that he's not doing anything right now, but papa's here, and I don't want him to hear our conversation, so instead I decide to text him.

"I'm bored, I will have to wait here for longer than expected." I say.

I don't have to wait long for the replay, because I can see that he's tapping only seconds after my message was sent.

"That's not very good, because I have no idea how to keep you entertained." Jonah tells me, and I laugh slightly.

"Who are you talking to?" Papa aks.

"Jonah." I tell him, and he smirks.

"I want to meet him." He says. "You should call him." He tells me, sounding excited.

I think that all this waiting is already getting to his head, although we were here for only a few minutes.

"Yeah, no." I tell him, and he pouts.

I decide to ignore him, and I go back to texting Jonah.

Not much later tata and dad come here for a while, but I barely spare them a glance, too busy texting my mate.

And after a few long hours, the Doctor finally comes back, and he takes me to the operations room.

Thankfully I will be able to get out of here very soon.

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