Chapter 15

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Hugh's POV

It had been about a month from the last time that I saw Jonah.

I'm at his house almost every day, same as before I have met him, but he's never there.

Laken told me that his father comes back late at night, and I tried to make him let me stay the night at his house, but he said that he's still grounded after the party, and that it won't end well for him.

I'm pretty sure that Jonah doesn't allow him to have friends over, just to make sure that Laken won't let me stay, so he won't have to see me for now, and it makes me a bit angry.

I have told my parents about the fact that I was rejected, and they forced me to go to the pack Doctor every day.

We just have to make sure that I won't get sick because of the rejection, since I might even die because of it.

For now, I seem to be doing fine, and I hope that it will stay this way for as long as it will take me to get my mate to be with me.

Today, I have decided that I will just wait for him outside.

So, I moved my car, making sure that he won't be able to see it, and I went to the side of the house to wait for him.

Laken is at some party again, so I will be able to talk to my mate without any interruptions.

It takes a few hours, but finally I can hear a car stop in front of the house, I can see that it's Jonah's, so I wait for him to get out of his car, and then I walk towards the front of the house to meet him.

He's eyes widen when he sees me, and he shakes his head, before he moves past me to open the front door.

I expect him to slam it shut behind him, but he turns around to see if I want to come in.

I pass him in the doorway, neither of us saying a word to each other, then I go towards the living room to sit down.

Jonah comes into the living room a few seconds later, and he just stares at me.

I stare right back, and I can't help but feel all the feelings that I used to feel the first time that I saw him.

But this time they're a lot stronger, which makes it hard to resist the urge to go to him.

It's most likely the effect of us being apart for so long.

Jonah takes a deep breath, before he finally leaves the doorway, and he comes towards me quickly.

I tense up, not sure if he's about to kiss me or beat me up, but my nerves leave me when his lips connect with mine.

We make out for a long while, but Jonah seems to realise what he's doing, and he pulls away from me, then he moves to the other side of the room, and he slides down the wall, before he puts his head in his hands.

"Get out." He tells me harshly.

"Jonah." I say, and I stand up to go to him, but he shakes his head.

"Please leave me alone for now." He pleads, so I look at him for a while, considering if I should do as he asked.

Asfter a long while, I finally decide to leave his house, so he can be alone for a while.

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