Chapter 42

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Hugh's POV

I wake up in the morning to my phone ringing, I can hear Jonah groaning from the other side of the bed, so I quickly take the phone to see who is calling me this early in the morning.

It turns out to be Laken, so I pick it up quickly, wondering why he's calling me while we're both in the house.

"I have a problem." Laken tells me, he sounds out of breath, as if he was running for a long while, and he clearly is panicking.

"What's wrong?" I say, sitting up in the bed, because I know that I will most likely have to help him.

"Can you meet me in fornt of the house?" He asks me.

"Sure." I say, and he hangs up, before I can even ask anything else.

"What's going on?" Jonah asks me.

"Laken's in trouble, but I have no idea why." I say, and we quickly get dressed, before I walk out of the room with Jonah following me.

"He said to meet him here." I tell Jonah, after we step outside.

I look around, but Laken isn't here, which makes me frown.

We decide to wait on him here, because he doesn't pick up the phone, and a few minutes later, I can see Laken who's running towards us.

"What's up?" I ask him, when he reaches us.

He doesn't have a chance to answer, before I can see another person running here.

It's a man, and I recognise him as a human mate of one of the pack members that is our age.

"What have you done?" I ask Laken, while he hides behind me.

When the man gets close, Laken decides that it will be better if he will run into the house, but Jonah stops him from opening the front door.

He has a stern expression on his face, that doesn't leave even when Laken glares at him.

"I swear that I will kill you the second that my hand will manage to reach you." Dave says to Laken, when he stops next to us.

"What happened?" I ask, I really want to finally hear the answer to this question, or I might hit the both of them for waking me up.

"He tries to convince my mate that he will be better for her, and he told her that she should leave me for him." Dave tells me.

I look at Laken, unbelieving that he would do something like that, he just shrugs, trying to look unimpressed, but I can see that he's nervous.

"Well, I'm sure that your mate is smart enough to know that you will be a better choice than some boy that she just met, so I doubt that you have anything to worry about." I tell him, and he rolls his eyes.

"Just make sure that he won't get near my mate, or I will hurt him the next time." He tells me, so I nod tiredly, I will definitely have to talk to Laken about it.

I know that it's hard for him to get that the girls here won't like him, because all of them are waiting for their mates, or already have mates, but he will have to get it if he wants to be alive for a bit longer.

He's lucky that he was talking to someone that had a human mate, and that he's quicker than Dave, or else it could have ended badly.

"Firstly, you will have to learn to run quicker." Laken says, before he runs into the house.

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