Chapter 17

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Jonah's POV

I sit on the couch next to my nephew, and I watch him as he eats his breakfast.

"What do you want?" He asks me after a while.

"Why isn't that friend of yours coming over here?" I ask him.

I have been staying in my house more often now, because I started to hope to see the boy that stole my heart quicker than I have expected.

To be honest, if he was a bit older, than I wouldn't have anything against being with him, but I feel sick when I think about him as more than my nephew's friend right now.

He's just a kid, while I'm a grown man that could almost be his father, so it doesn't feel right.

But I'm hoping that it will be different when he will get older, and that he will still want me then, because he's everything that I've been waiting for.

I haven't seen him in a few weeks, and I want to see him again, but I've been waiting for him to come here for a few days now, and it seems that he doesn't plan on it.

"He's on some trip with his family, but he will be back soon." He tells me.

"Doesn't he have school?" I ask him curiously.

"He does, but his family is weird, and they don't really care if he won't go there sometimes." He explains, which makes me frown, but I decide to not comment on that.

"Anyway. Why are you asking?" He asks.

"I just noticed that he doesn't come here anymore, and I wanted to know if you guys are still friends." I tell him.

"We're fine, although he's been acting weird lately." He says.

"Weird?" I ask.

"Yeah, he comes here almost every day, but it seems like he's waiting for something." He tells me.

"I have been thinking about it, and I might have an idea what he wants, but I really doubt that it's this." He continues.

"What do you think that he's waiting for?" I ask him, but I already know that he's most likely waiting on me to come here.

"I think that he waits for me to kiss him or something, he might like me, but I doubt that it's true.

Because there is this guy that he used to talk about all the time for as long as I know him, although he didn't mention him for a long while, so I might be correct." He tells me, making my eyes widen.

"Do you want to be with him?" I ask him, hoping that he will say no.

"I mean, I'm not gay, but I do like him as a friend, so I might give it a chance if he will make the first move." He tells me, and I have to resist the sigh of relieve.

If he won't make the first move, then Hugh won't know that Laken's intersertd in him, and I'm sure that it's not what Hugh wants, so I don't have to worry about it.

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