Chapter 12

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Hugh's POV

We've been driving for hours, but I don't remember most of it, because I have fallen asleep after about an hour.

I have no idea how Jonah can still be driving, but I'm happy that were almost back in our city, because it can't be safe to drive this long without any break.

When we reach Jonah's house, we stay in the car for a while longer, and we just stare at each other, but neither of us say anything.

Before I decide to ask him the question that I wanted to ask for over a day now.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" I ask him, and he looks away from me for a while, he looks like he's considering it toughly.

"I like you, but I hate the age gap." He tells me, and I sigh in frustration.

"Is that enough for you to say no?" I ask him, because he didn't give me any answer to my question.

"I don't know, I will have to think about it." He tells me, before he looks at me.

I nod in acknowledgement, and he gives me a smile.

"I should go." I say.

I would have tried to stay the night again, but I know that my parents wouldn't be happy if I will be out for two nights in a row.

So, I will have to go back, but I can come back tomorrow, and bet that I will.

Jonah gives me his number, and I thank him, before the both of us leave his car.

Jonah goes inside of his house, while I get inside of my car, and I drive away, heading towards the pack lands, or more specifically, my house.

When I reach it, most of the lights are off, but I know that someone is in the living room, I just hope that it's not one my parents, because they like to wait on me sometimes.

I look at the clock, and I decide that it won't be them, because I'm usually back later than this, and they don't really care.

So, I step out of the car, and I go inside of my house.

"Where were you?" Tata asks.

"At Laken's." I tell him, but he looks unimpressed.

"You weren't picking up our calls, so we went to Laken's and he was there along with your car, but he had no idea where you went." Papa explains.

"Well, I was with his father." I admit, because I don't really know how to get out of this, and I don't really want to lie.

"Why?" Papa asks.

"Because he's my mate, and I wanted to spend some time with him, so I can get to know him." I say, and their eyes widen.

Then dad comes running towards me to give me a hug.

"I told you that you will find your mate soon." Papa tells me, while messing my hair.

I roll my eyes, because I can remember that he said that he thinks that Xander will be my mate.

I decide to not say anything about it, and when dad lets me go, I quickly run up the stairs, before they can ask me any more questions.

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