Chapter 46

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Hugh's POV

Jonah had to go to the city for a while, mainly to pack the rest of the stuff form his house.

It will stay empty for a while, but then Laken will most likely move there, because he doesn't want to live in the pakc house, and we're not sure if we will have enough space for him in our house.

I'm actually the only one that is in the house right now, because all of my younger brothers are in the school, and my parents are in the pack house.

So, that leaves me alone with the baby Legacy.

That reminds me that I have left him in the living room, so I go out of the bathroom, and just as I enter the living room, I can see that my baby is about to fall off the couch.

I quickly run towards him, but I don't manage to catch him in time, and he hits his head hard on the floor, I quickly pick him up, because he isn't crying as I expected him to.

When I realise that he's unconscious, I run out of the house as quickly as I can, not bothering to put my shoes on, which I quickly realise that was a big mistake, since the small rocks that are on the path keep hurting my feet.

I consider if I should go back to my house to get the shoes, but I decide that I should just run towards the pack hospital.

When I'm in the middle of the way I step out of the path, and into the forest, since I really can't stand the pain anymore.

My feet are bleeding which I'm sure left a mess on the path, but that doesn't matter right now.

I quickly run through the forest, until I stand on something that makes me cry out in pain, but I can see the pack house from here, so I decide to just keep running.

I manage to reach the pack house, and I pass the baby to the previous Beta, since he's on my way, and he will definitely get to the pack hospital quicker than I will.

He looks at me worriedly, but I force him to leave me here, and he agrees because he sees that papa is rushing towards me already.

"What happened?" He asks me, looking at my feet.

"Legacy fell from the couch, so I wanted to bring him to the hospital quickly, and I forgot to take my shoes." I explain.

I let him pick me up, and he carries me to the pack hospital.

We pass tata on the way, so he comes with us, and I'm sure that dad will join us soon too.

Papa sets me on the hospital bed, and he goes to another room to ask the doctor about my son, while tata stays with me.

My feet are making a mess on the floor, so he comes over, and he grabs some bandage before he presses it to my feet to make the blood slow down.

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