Chapter 45

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Hugh's POV

I sit on the ground for what feels like hours, but I know that I won't be able to go to my house without having to go through the training grounds.

Or at least close to it, so that means that I will be spoted and that would mean that I will have to go back there, so I definitely prefer to sit here.

About an hour later, I hear that someone is going this way, so I look up, and I'm greeted by the Beta, and papa.

"We were looking for you for a while now." Papa tells me, which makes me feel a bit guilty.

"You were meant to see me if you didn't want to train." The Beta says.

I don't respond, and instead I take the stick that I had in my hand a bit earlier today, and I continue to draw on the ground.

"Why aren't you training?" Papa asks.

"Because I don't want to, I already said that earlier." I say.

"Well Denver wanted me to tell you that you will have to help clean the pack house if you won't start training." The Beta lies, but he shuts up when papa glares at him.

"He said to tell you to go to your house if you will come to me, but you didn't, so I changed it." He tells me with a chuckle, and I roll my eyes.

"There is just a bit over an hour left of the training, so go back there, and I won't be angry." Papa says, so I sigh in annoyance, but I decide to stand up, and do as I was told.

They watch the training for a few minutes, most likely to make sure that I will keep training, but they eventually leave.

I somehow manage to train for the rest of the training, but I have trouble getting back to the house.

I decide that I will have to sit for a while if I don't want to faint of something.

I sit on the edge of the path that leads to the pack house for a while, until I hear a familiar voice.

"Are you okay?" Eliott asks me, so I look at him, and I nod once.

"You don't look too good." He tells me.

"I will be fine, the training just exhausted me." I say.

"I can walk you to the house." He says, so I nod, and I stand up, the walk back will definitely be easier if I will have someone to talk with.

When we reach the house, I say a goodbye to my brother, and I walk inside.

Right after I step inside the living room I can see that Jonah's angry, so I go towards him.

"Why are you angry?" I ask him curiously.

"Because Laken is trying to convince me to let him skip school for a week, and I really don't have nerves to argue with him about it again." He tells me, and I glance at the annoyed Laken, who's sitting on the other couch, before I laugh slightly.

They really have to find something to argue every day.

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