Chapter 9

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Jonah's POV

It's the next morning, and I can't stop thinking about the boy from last night.

I have no idea why, but all I think about is him, so when my nephew joins me in the dining room, I decide to ask him about his little friend.

"Who was that guy that was sitting with you on the couch yesterday?" I ask him.

"Hugh?" He asks with a frown. "What about him? I didn't know that you two met" He says.

"I was just wondering who he is, he looks familiar." I lie, but Laken seems to accept it, so I start to eat again.

When Laken finishes his breakfast, he tells me that he will be going out of the house for most of the day, so I let him go, and when I finish eating, I go to the living room.

A few hours later the doorbell rings, so I stand up to open the front door, and I'm greeted by none other than Hugh.

"Hi." He says.

"Hi." I respond, and then I let him inside. "Laken left, but I can't remember where he went." I tell him, but I lead him towards the couch anyway.

He follows me without saying anything.

I kind of like him, I feel this weird connection towards him, but I'm not sure if I like it.

I don't really mind the fact that he's a boy, but I definitely don't like the age difference.

"Would you mind if I would stay here for a while anyway?" He asks me. "I kind of don't want to go back to my house, my parents are angry at me." He says, but I know that he's lying.

"You can stay." I tell him, and he smiles at me.

So, we watch football together, we talk a little bit, and before I know it, it's dark outside.

"I think you should go back." I tell him, I don't really want him to be out late at night, I also don't like the fact that my nephew isn't back yet, but that's not the first time that it happend.

Just as I think of him, I get the message from Laken, saying that he will be staying at some friends.

Of course, I know that he will be sleeping at some random girl's house, as he does every other day, but I decide that it's not worth arguing with him.

"Or you can stay, Laken won't be here tonight, so you can have his room." I tell him, and he grins.

"I will stay here then, but I have to call my parents first, or else they won't let me out of the house for a month." He tells me, and I chuckle slightly.

He leaves the living room, so I turn to look at the TV again, and I wait for him to come back.

He does a few minutes later, and we spend the rest of the night watching some more football.

When we get tired, I make sure that he knows which room is Laken's, and then I go to my own room, so I can have some rest.

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