Chapter 37

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Jonah's POV

A few days later, it's a bit easier to live here, and I feel a bit safer around all the people that live here.

I even went outside on my own, and I didn't panic when I saw someone shift.

To be honest, they should most likely stop doing that, because I would really appreciate if they could shift in the woods, where I wouldn't have to see it every time that I go for a walk, but I doubt that it will ever change, so it's better to just accept it.

What has me a bit worried lately, is Hugh.

He's got a bit worse, and he says that his stomach hurts sometimes which isn't good at all, he's also throwing up every few hours, but I was told that it's normal for a pregnant male werewolf.

So, the Doctor is visiting us regularly, and he tries to make sure that Hugh won't miscarry, but he says that he can't promise that the kid will survive.

I just hope that everything go will be alright, because I would really want to have a kid.

After all, I'm at the age that most of the people have teenage kids already, but I don't even have a baby.

Hell, I wasn't even with anyone until recently.

Now, I'm spending some time with two of Hugh's parents, Carter and Mason, because Laken wanted to talk to Hugh, and he kicked me out of the room.

I really can't complain, because I practically stole his best friend from him.

"Anyway. Why do you live in this house, instead of living in the pack house?" I decide to ask Carter.

"We used to live in the pack house, but our family got too big to fit there, and we had to move here." Carter says.

"And you could just build a house? Didn't the rest of the pack want to have their own house too?" I ask, because, it seems pretty unfair.

I have heard that no one is allowed to build the house on the pack lands, and that they have to live in the pack house, which has family apartments.

"Well, they most likely do, but they won't complain, because they know that we're the Alpha family, so it's normal that we will be allowed to do more than a normal pack members." Mason says.

"The Alpha family?" I ask, not knowing what that means, but I guess that they're important.

"Carter was an Alpha, before he passed the position to his eldest son, who now leads this pack." Mason explains.

"Okay." I say, and then I ask a few more questions, before Laken comes downstairs.

I say goodbye to the two men, and I go upstairs to see if Hughs alright, or if he wants something to eat or drink.

It turns out that he's asleep, so I decide to lay down with him.

I hug him around his waist, and I pull him a bit closer to me, before I fall asleep too.

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