Chapter 27

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Hugh's POV

In the evening, I decide that I feel well enough to drive to my mate's house.

I have spent most of my day with Dan, although Doctor Chris kicked him out of my room after he realised that Dan had sneaked in.

But that didn't stop him from seeking in again.

My parents also came to see if I was alright, and they took me and Dan to our house, where I spent most of the day.

I have also texted my mate for a while, and I called him about an hour ago, when my friend left my house.

Jonah tries to convince me that he won't mind if I won't come over today, but I could see that he missed me, so I decided that I will go there anyway.

To be honest I still feel a bit sick, but it's not as bad anymore, so I should be alright.

When I reach Jonah's house, he immediately comes towards me to greet me.

So, I get out of my car with a smile, and I give him a tight hug.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me while he leads me inside.

"I'm fine now." I say happily.

"That's good." He responds.

"Is Laken here?" I ask after a while, because I'm not sure if his car was in the drive way or not.

"No, we argued, and he ran out of the house." He tells me with an eye roll.

"He didn't want to clean the house?" I question, because that's pretty much the only think that they used to argue about since I knew Laken.

"Not really, he wanted to throw a party again, but I didn't agree, so he shouted a few stupid things, and I got mad, soI told him something which upset him, then he ran out." He tells me.

"Okay." I say, leaving it alone, because it's clear that he doesn't want to talk about it anymore.

"By the way. Why did you have to go to the hospital?" He asks me.

I let out a sigh, I knew that he will ask me this, and I really don't want to lie to him.

"It's something that I don't want to tell you yet." I say, and he reluctantly nods in acknowledgement, although I know that he still wants to know.

"I will tell you soon." I promise, and he gives me a small smile.

"It's alright, you don't have to tell me everything, we're not even together yet." He tells me.

The reminder of that makes me a bit upset, and Jonah seems to see that my mood changes, because moves to sit closer to me.

He looks like he's about to kiss me, but he just looks me in the eyes for a long while.

I can see the want in his eyes, and I know instantly that it's the mating bond trying to force us together.

He pecks my lips, before he picks me up, and he carries me up the stairs.

He sets me down, so he can open his bedroom door and right after the door closes behind us, he has me against it.

"I have no idea what you're doing to me." He says, before he kisses me, and I let him carry me to his bed.

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