Chapter 22

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Hugh's POV

I think that Jonah and I are dating, but we're not actually together, because Jonah feels uncomfortable with the fact that he's much older than me.

If only he knew about my parents, I don't think that he would be able to get that.

My family is crazy, but I learned to live with it a long time ago.

Over the last few days, I have tried to discreetly convince Jonah to give us a chance, but he seems to be happy with what's going on between us.

I'm not very happy about it, because I can't even say that were together, but I prefer for it to be like this, instead of Jonah trying to push me away every time that we see each other.

"You're already awake?" Jonah asks me, so I look to my right to see him.

I have stayed the night at his house, because I have fallen asleep on the couch, and I don't even want to look at my phone, because I know that my parents must be angry at me.

I couldn't sleep." I tell him, and he nods, before he moves closer to me to hug my side.

"You're very warm." He tells me, and I nod.

"I know that I'm hot." I tell him, and he laughs.

"Of course you do." He responds.

We lay like this for a while longer, before he falls asleep again.

I look at him for a while, before my phone rings, and I sigh in frustration, already knowing that it's my parents.

I get out of Jonah's loose grip, and I go down the stairs, so I can talk with them without interrupting Jonah and Laken.

"Yeah?" I ask after I pick it up.

"Where are you?" Papa asks with an annoyed tone.

"At Jonah's, I have accidentally fallen asleep." I explain.

"Well, you better get back here, because you accidentally got yourself grounded." Papa tells me, and I groan.

"I'm sorry." I say, hoping that he will let me stay here.

"I don't care." He responds. "You have half an hour to get here." He says, before he hugs up.

I groan again, knowing that I will get spanked again.

I go back to Jonah's room, and I put on my shirt, then I turn around to leave, but Jonah's voice stops me.

"Are you leaving?" He asks me, and I nod.

"Yeah, I have to go back, or I will be spanked to death." I say, not joking at all.

"You'll get beaten?" He asks me, while he sits up with a serious look on his face.

"Well, my parents wouldn't beat me, but I do get spanked as a punishment." I tell him with a shrug.

"It won't be that bad if I will listen, and go back soon." I say, and he nods reluctancy, clearly not happy that someone will hurt me.

"I've been through worse, I will be fine." I say, and I lean down to kiss him, then I go out of the door, before he can stop me.

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