Chapter 40

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Hugh's POV

A few days before the third month of my pregnancy is where everything goes to hell.

I wake up in the morning, and my stomach hurts a lot more than it ever hurt.

I start to panic and I try to scream for my mate or parents to come here, but I can seem to get the words out of my mouth.

So, I have to lay there, until I feel the water come out of me.

My stomach starts to hurt a bit more, and I feel the urge to push, so I do it, and after what feels like hours, I feel that something wants to come out of me, so I hesitate for a while, but eventually I decide to push a bit more, and not much later I can hear the screams of my baby.

I have no idea what just happened.

Well, I know that I just gave birth, but that's not how it was supposed to go.

Let's start with the fact that I should be pregnant for a lot more time, and the birth takes up to a week for a male werewolf, so I was expecting the kid to come out dead.

But it sounds very much alive, so I sit up, and I move the blanket out of my way, before I can see a very small baby.

It's the smallest baby that I have ever seen but I'm not surprised, because he didn't have enough time to grow inside of me.

But I'm sure that he will catch up nicely.

I pick him up, and I smile at him, but he starts to cry again, and I have no idea what to do, so I start to panic a bit.

"It's okay, Legacy." I tell him, and I smile when he stops crying.

It doesn't last long through, because soon I hear someone run up the stairs, and the door is thrown open, revealing my worried mate.

He looks at me, then at the baby, and then at our bed that is a bloody mess, before he looks back at me.

"Did you give birth?" He asks me, and I nod hesitantly.

"Why didn't you call anyone?" He asks me, while he comes closer.

"I was panicking, and I couldn't say anything." I say, before I realise that my parents are standing near the doorway.

I quickly cover my body, but I'm sure that they already saw it, which makes me blush.

I let Jonah take the baby from me, and I look at my parents again.

"How is that possible?" Dad asks.

"Maybe the Moon Goddess knew that he wouldn't survive much longer if he stayed inside of me, so she made him get out quicker." I suggest, and they seem to accept it, because all of them nod in agreement.

"We should let Doctor Chris see the baby." Jonah tells me, and I agree, because I know that he might not be as healthy as he looks like.

"And you should come with us too." Papa says which makes me groan, but I stand up to get ready anyway.

I know very well that there's no sense in arguing with papa, it's just a waste of energy.

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