Chapter 36

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Jonah's POV

Laken follows me, while I walk in the direction that will hopefully lead us to Hugh's house.

I have no idea how I managed to remember all the paths, and I didn't get lost.

"This is where Hugh lives?" Laken asks me, while we walk on the path that leads form the pack house to Hugh's house.

"Yeah." I respond.

"It's weird here." He tells me with a frown, really not feeling good here.

"Yeah, but it's a werewolf pack, so you should have expected it." I tell him, and he rolls his eyes again, still not believing that I'm telling the truth.

"I have no idea when you started to like joking." He tells me.

"I'm not kidding." I tell him, and he decides to not respond.

A while later I see that someone shifts, which makes me a bit scared, and I consider if I should run, but then I remember that Laken is here too, and that he still doesn't expect anything like this to happen.

So, I look at him, and I almost laugh when I see that his eyes are as wide as they can get, and he looks like he's about to cry, I quickly go over to him, and I push him forward, forcing him to walk, because he stopped.

He doesn't say anything, and he lets me push him, but I can feel that he's shaking from fear.

I walk as fast as I can, and soon I can see the house that I'm looking for.

I have no idea why Hugh and his family live here, when all the other people live in the pack house, I guess that I will have to ask him about it later.

But for now, I have to concentrate on getting my nephew to safety, otherwise he might die here from the lack of air.

When we reach the front door, I consider if I should knock, but I decide that I shouldn't, because I will be living here for God knows how long.

So, I just walk inside, while pushing Laken with me, and I lead him to the living room, hoping that he will calm down now, since we're not outside anymore.

"It's safe here." I tell him, and I can see that he tries to calm himself by taking deep breaths.

It takes a few minutes, but he manages to calm down, so I sit on the couch next to him, and he looks at me.

"A werewolf pack?" He asks me, so I nod with a small laugh.

"That's insane." He tells me, sounding both scared, and excited at once.

"You didn't tell him where you were bringing him?" Mason asks, as he walks into the living room.

"I told him where we were going, but he didn't believe me, at least before he saw someone shift." I tell him with a shrug, it's not my fault that my nephew thought that I'm lying.

"Alright." He says, and he gives Laken a glass of water, that he drinks happily, before he starts a conversation with Mason.

I decide that he will be fine here, so I go up the stairs to check on my mate.

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