Chapter 3

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Hugh's POV

When Xander reaches the top of the stairs, he quickly realises that I'm waiting on him, which makes him frown at me.

"Can we talk?" I ask him nervously.

"Sure." He says, so I open the door to my room, and both of us step inside.

Xander goes to sit on the desk chair, and I decide to stay standing, but my brother gestures for me to sit on my bed, so I do it.

"Who had you laughing so loudly a few minutes ago?" He asks me with a smile.

"The father of my friend." I tell him.

"He made Laken clean his room again" I explain with a chuckle, to which he nods with a smile.

"What did you want to talk about?" He asks me after a while, and the nerves come back quicker than I have expected.

"What's wrong?" He asks me, most likely sensing my nerves.

"I have to tell you something, but I have no idea how to say it." I tell him, keeping my eyes on my legs, but when he doesn't answer, I glance up at him to see him biting his lip.

"I think that I know what you want to talk about." He tells me.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Do you have feelings for me?" He asks, and I lower my eyes to the floor, so I won't be able to see his reaction, then I nod my head in agreement.

He doesn't say anything for a while again, but this time I can't force myself to look at him.

After a long while of silence, my eyes start to water, and Xander seems to realise that, because I can hear him standing up.

I expect him to get out of my room, but instead he sits on my bed next to me, and he puts his hand on my back, before he sighs in frustration, most likely because he doesn't know what to do with this information.

It's enough to assure me that he doesn't feel the same about me, and it makes me sniff before I start to cry.

"Okay, calm down Hugh. We have to talk it through." He tells me gently, while rubbing my back.

It takes me a few minutes, but I manage to somehow control my crying.

"You don't feel the same." I say.

"I don't." He confirms. "Hugh, you're my favourite brother, but I don't see you as anything other than a bother." He says.

"Sorry." I say, feeling pathetic.

"Don't be sorry, you can't pick who you like, although I think that you should wait for your mate, I'm sure that you will like him or her much more than you like me." He tells me, so I nod my head slightly.

"Okay." I say.

We sit in silence for a while, I can feel that he's watching me, but I don't want to see if he has a disgusted expression on his face, so my eyes remain on the same spot.

A while later I can feel Xander's arms around me, so I sigh in relief and I move myself a bit, so I will be able to hug him back.

We stay like it's for a few minutes, until someone opens my bedroom door.

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