Chapter 26

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Hugh's POV

When I wake up the next morning, I feel sicker than I have ever felt.

I move my body slightly to throw up on the floor, and a few seconds later Doctor Chris comes inside of the hospital room that I'm laying in.

I let him do all the examinations that he wants to do, and a while later he's gone again, so I try to go back to sleep, but I can't manage to do that, which makes me groan.

I look around, trying to find my phone, which I find quickly.

I look at it, and in greeted by a text from one of my friends from the pack.

"Hey, we didn't see each other for a while. Do you want to hang out today?" Dan asks.

My eyes widen slightly, when I realise that I haven't seen him for months.

Before I found my mate, we used to spend a lot of time together.

But then I found Jonah, and I was spending hours at his, house with Laken, hoping that I will be able to see him.

Now I feel guilty that I didn't find time for him for this long, so I will definitely have to make it up to him.

"Hi. I didn't see that you texted me yesterday, but I would like to hang out soon." I send to him.

I don't expect him to text me back for a while, seeing that it's very early in the morning, and he's most likely sleeping.

But only seconds later, I can see that he's texting me, so I wait for his reply.

"Well, I can't sleep, so we can go out right now if you want." He tells me.

"Or we can see each other later today if you're tired." He continues.

It's definitely not surprising to me that Dan wants to see me now, we used to see each other at this time of a day most of the time.

Because neither of us usually had time after school, or more like he never had time, since he spent most of his time on soccer practice.

"I'm in the hospital right now, but I should be out in a few hours." I tell him.

He doesn't respond, even after a few minutes, so I frown, before I decide to put my phone away for now, and try to sleep again.

I only manage to close my eyes, and I'm interrupted by the door opening, so I open my eyes again, and I smile when I see Dan, who's walking towards my bed.

"What happened?" He asks me, before he sits on the chair that is next to the bed that I'm laying on.

I tell him everything that happened, along with every thing that I know about my mate, and he listens with huge smile on his face.

And then he tells me that he also found his mate, and that it's a boy.

He spent the last month trying to get him, so we laugh at the fact that we have been in a very similar situation in almost the same time, and neither of us knew it.

At least now I feel slightly less guilty about forgetting to see him.

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