Chapter 10

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Hugh's POV

I lay on Laken's bed, and I look at the ceiling, I can't believe that I have just spent a whole day with Jonah.

He's great, and I will definitely enjoy him as my mate, but before I will be able to do that, I will have to convince him to like me.

I think that he does already like me, but I don't think that he would like dating me, although I might be wrong.

I lay like this for a long while until I hear that there is a thunderstorm outside, again.

At first, I swear at myself, angry that Xander will have to sleep alone, because I'm not there to be with him, but then I get an great idea, and I stand up from the bed quicker than I thought is possible.

I go out of Laken's room, and straight to the room that I saw Jonah walk into.

I knock on the door, hoping that my mate is still awake.

After a while I can hear some footsteps, so I smile to myself, before I remind myself that I'm supposed to look scared.

"What's up?" Jonah asks me when he opens the door.

"I'm scared of the storm." I say with a pout.

Jonah let's out a sigh, but he lets me inside of his room anyway, guessing what I mean.

He sits on his bed, and he motions for me to do the same.

We lay there for a while, before Jonah turns off the lamp and he goes to sleep.

I wait for about an hour, just to make sure that he's asleep, and when I'm sure that it's safe, I turn around, so I can look at him as he sleeps.

I know that it's creepy, but I used to do the same thing with Xander, and I really can't stop myself from doing it now.

I just hope that my mate won't wake up, or else it will be awkward.

It takes me about two hours to get enough, and then I lay my head on Jonah's chest as gently as I can.

I look up at him to make sure that he's still asleep, and then I put my hand over his waist.

I lay like this for half an hour, but I can't fall asleep, and the thunder outside definitely isn't helping,

So, I decide to put my hand under Jonah's shirt, and I rub his chest for a while.

When I can't stop myself any longer, I finally slide my hand in Jonah's pants, and my eyes widen when he inhales deeply in surprise.

"I didn't expect you to do that." He tells me, and I have no idea if I should take my hand out or not, so I just leave it there.

"You really shouldn't be doing anything like this, you're lucky that I like it, otherwise I could have called the cops." Jonah informs me, and I can't stop the smile that appears on my face when I realise that he said that he likes it.

I start to move my hand again, and when I'm done, Jonah does the same to me.

And I finally manage to fall asleep.

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