Chapter 31

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Hugh's POV

The next morning, I get ready right after I wake up, I really can't wait to see Jonah, because that will make me stress all day, if I will have to wait until the evening.

So, when I'm ready, I go downstairs and I eat a quick breakfast, before I go outside, towards the pack house, where my car is parked at.

But tata and papa join me in the middle of the way.

"What do you want?" I ask them, not bothering to stop walking to talk to them.

"Were going with you." Papa tells me.

"Why?" I ask.

I don't really care if they will come with me, but I would like to know why they would want to be there.

"Because from what you said, Jonah is pretty strong, and even through you're strong too, he still might make some damage if he will react badly, so it's better for us to be there, just in case." Tata explains.

"Okay." I say, and then we go towards my car in silence.

When we reach the pack house, papa manages to convince me to let him drive us, so we go to his car instead.

Not much later, we're in front of Jonah's house, so I open the door, and we go outside.

I knock on the door, and it takes a while, but finally the front door opens, revealing Laken, who looks like we have woken him up.

He frowns when he sees that my fathers are getting out of the car too, and he lets us inside, without saying anything, but I'm sure that he has a lot of questions.

"What's going on?" He asks me when we reach the living room.

"I have to talk to Jonah." I tell him.

"He's not here, he left a few minutes ago." Laken tells me.

"Can you call him and tell him to come back?" Papa asks Laken, because he already knows that Jonah won't answer my calls.

"Sure." Laken responds, and he goes up the stairs to get his phone.

"Someone's scared of us." Tata tells papa with a small laugh to with I roll my eyes.

I'm not surprised that Laken is scared of my fathers, if I was a human then I would have been scared too,  considering the fact that they're twice his size, and there are two of them.

Soon Laken comes back here, with his phone in his hand.

"Jonah said that he will be here soon, but I told him that I have something important to tell him, not that you're here." He tells me, and I nod with a grateful smile.

"Thanks." I tell him.

"Do you want me to go out, so you can talk to Jonah alone? Or should I stay?" Laken asks, and I have to resist the urge to laugh when I see the way that he's looking at my fathers.

He clearly wants to get out of here, so he won't have to be around them.

"I would like you to go out for a few minutes if that's not a problem." I say, so he gives me a hug, before he takes his car keys, and he goes out of the house.

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