Chapter 28

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Jonah's POV

When I wake up, my eyes widen when I see that Hugh's in my bed, and I almost vomit when I remember what I let myself do last night.

I have no idea why I allowed myself to sleep with him, but I definitely shouldn't have done it.

It's like my mind stopped working for a moment, and all the rational thoughts left my mind.

"Hey, breathe." Hugh tells me, making me realise that I'm starting to panic.

I try to breathe, but it doesn't work very well, so I'm not surprised when I finally feel the need to throw up.

I quickly stand up, and I run towards the bathroom, I can hear that Hugh is following behind me, so I leave the door open, knowing that he will demand for me to open it, if I will lock them.

I throw up into the toilet a few times, while Hugh rubs my back, which only makes me sicker.

"You should go." I tell him.

"I don't want to leave you when you're clearly not feeling well." He tells me, if only he knew that I feel like this because of him, I doubt that he will ever let me touch him again, which actually won't be a very bad thing.

"I want you to leave." I tell him sternly.

"Leave the bathroom or the house?" He asks.

"The house." I say, and he sighs in frustration.

"If that's what you want." He tells me, with annoyance clear in his voice.

He leaves my bathroom, and I can hear that he's getting dressed in my bedroom.

When he's done, he goes down the stairs, and I sigh in relieve when I hear the front door shut close behind him.

I stand up from the floor, and I go into my bedroom, before the front door opens again, and someone is coming upstairs.

The door flies open, and I expect to see Hugh, but instead I'm greeted by my nephew, who looks angry.

"What have you done to him?" Laken asks me.

"I haven't done anything to anyone." I say.

"Then why was Hugh angry enough to not even greet me when he passed my on his way to his car?" He asks me angrily.

"I have no idea, I just told him to get out of here, because I didn't want him to see me sick." I half lie, and Laken looks at me for a while, clearly trying to figure out if I'm telling the truth.

"I will beat you up if you will hurt him again, I don't care if you're my uncle." He tells me, which makes me laugh slightly, since I'm a lot bigger than him.

"I would like to see that, but I won't hurt him again." I say honestly, I don't plan to see Hugh for a long time.

He rolls his eyes, before he leaves my bedroom, and he goes to his own.

I sigh again, and then I decide to lay on my bed, trying to not think about last night, because I really don't want to be sick again.

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