Chapter 47

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Hugh's POV

A few minutes later, papa comes back into the room, and I look at him, hoping that he has only good news.

"He will be fine, but he will have to stay in the hospital for a while." He says, making me let out a sigh of relieve. "He has concussion, and he broke his leg." He explains.

I nod slightly, I was worried that it will be worse, I'm sure that he will be fine in a few months when the leg will heal, he definitely will get worse injuries when he will get older.

I can't even remember how many times I was in the hospital as a kid.

"That's not that bad." I say.

We stay in this room for a while longer, until the Doctor comes back, and he gives me my baby that now has open eyes.

I hug him slightly, before I turn my attention to the Doctor, who is looking at something at the other side of the room.

He comes over with a small box of full of bandages and other things, and he tells me to lay down, before he takes the bandage of off my foot.

He starts to clean it, which almost makes me cry in pain, but it only takes him a while.

The door opens almost right after he puts a clean bandage over my feet, and my mate runs towards me along with my dad.

I tell them what happened, and not much later the Doctor moves us to a different room, where the baby will be staying in.

"I can carry you if you want." Jonah tells me, eyeing my feet.

"They're almost healed." I tell him with a smile.

"How?" He asks, not really believing me.

"The werewolf healing." I respond with a shrug.

"Isn't our son a werewolf too? Shouldn't he heal this quickly?" He asks me, sounding worried, he most likely thinks that something is wrong with our son, so I will have to explain everything to him.

"He's a werewolf, but he doesn't have a wolf yet, so he's like a normal human." I say. "He will be able to have all the werewolf senses when he will be a teenager." I tell him, and he nods his head in acknowledgement.

We walk the rest of the way, and my parents tell us that they will bring us something to eat, but then they will have to go back to their work.

So, I put our baby into the crib, before Jonah and I sit on the chairs that are here.

"I'm sorry." I say, and he hugs me tightly.

"It's alright." He tells me.

We stay like this for a while, before the door opens, revealing papa.

He smiles at us and get gives us the sandwiches that he got for us, we thank him, and he leaves us again, so we decide to eat a bit.

When I finish eating, I rest my head on Jonah's shoulder, and I close my eyes trying to go to sleep, but the door opens again which makes me groan.

The Doctor laughs slightly, before he tells us that it really doesn't make sense for us to sit here all day, so we decide to listen to him, and we go back to the house for a while.

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