Chapter 29

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Hugh's POV

I groan when I wake up, and I feel like I will throw up.

I run towards the bathroom, and I lean over the toilet, but I don't actually throw up.

I stay there for a few minutes, just to make sure that I won't be sick, then I make my way down the stairs.

But that was a mistake, because I get sick again, this time in the middle of the stairs, and I don't even have a time to consider if I should run up or down the stairs, before I throw up.

Papa comes out of the living room to see what's happening, and I can see that he frowns when he sees me.

"Go upstairs, I will clean it, and then we will go to the Doctor." He tells me, so I nod my head, before I slowly make my way up the stairs.

When I lay on my bed, I can't stop thinking about what this could possibly mean.

I might be pregnant, and I should have definitely been more careful, but I decide to blame the mate bond for my stupidity.

Also, Jonah didn't respond to any of my texts for the last week, so I went to his house, but only Laken was there, and he said that Jonah's away for some trip, which made me slightly irritated.

I have no idea why he's ignoring me right now, and I would like to talk it out.

I'm also a bit angry that he kicked me out of his house, but I would most likely do the same thing if I was sick, and he was with me, I wouldn't want him to see me like that, so I was a bit upset about that, but now I'm fine with it.

I guess that if it will turn out that I'm pregnant, then I will have to tell Jonah that I'm a werewolf, I just hope that he will take it well, because I heard way too many stories about human mates that ended up with a disaster.

I decide to not over think it for now, and instead I close my eyes, trying to get some sleep.

When I wake up, I can feel that someone is carrying me, so I open my eyes quickly, a bit scared of what's going on.

Papa stops walking, and he sets me down, so I can walk, and when I look around I can see that were almost in front of the pack house.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I ask him, with an angry frown.

"You looked tired, so I decided to just carry you." He says with a shrug, so I roll my eyes, and I decide to not say anything about that.

We walk the rest of the way to the pack hospital, and I go straight to one of the empty rooms, while papa goes to tell doctor Chris that were here.

I sit on the bed, and this time I resist the urge to sleep, since I don't really want the Doctor to touch me while I will be sleeping, at least not if that's not necessary.

Luckly, I don't have to wait long, because Doctor Chris walks into the room only a few minutes later.

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